asking willa to be my girlfriend and mates

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bucky pov

i know i might sound crazy asking willa to be my girlfriend even though i knew her for a couple of days but i feel conected to her  i walk in the gym to see addison with the werewolves i see willa at the bottem shaking her head  so i walked up to her 

hey will  i say 

hi pom pops she said 

can i talk to you i say 

sure we go to the zombies panic room 

what's up and if you say the sky i will punch  you she said cracking her nuckles 

no willa lykensen i hear bye ask you to be my girlfriend so what do you say to that 

yes i would to i picked her up and twirlered her around and kissed her 

i have something to tell you she said 

what is it i asked worried 

you are my mate  she said 

what is that i asked confused 

it is a soulmate and you are mine all mine she said 

yep all yours and i will love to be your mate  i said 

i love you said willa 

i love you too and i kissed her again 

but you will also have to ask my brother so he can see if you are good enough for me you know wyatt lykensen who walked in on us she said 

i will do anything to be with you my one and only   true love and should be the last 

hoped you enjoyed that word count is 272 words in total and stay wolf strong through this time we have to say together we can't back down.

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