the pack talk ,well more like time to die

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Willa pov like I said I am in deep shit right now

So willa would you like to explain what we just witnessed said Jake  a werewolf

Well ummmmmm I couldn't get out i couldn't find the right words

I sighed and said do I have to I asked them

Yes said Wyatt

What are you talking about Wyatt you knew about Bucky being my mate I say

Well I told you to tell the pack and you said finding the moonstone is your mane thing to do than focused on that relationship you have with Bucky said Wyatt

It was and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn't say no like I said it with out thinking i said

He what said all the wolves and I mean all the wolves and werepups

He asked you with out us knowing or asking us said wally getting mad

Yeah but he is my mate  I said

Still he need our approval to date OUR alpha said wynter

With out a blink of an eye all the wolves standed up and ran out the den

Where is said to my self then it hit me

Oh shit Bucky  godamn  Bucky fuck i said out load

3 pebbles alpha said Wanda I just gave her a seriously face and said

I will do it later right now I feel like my boyfriend  is about to be killed or murdered I say running out the den  I hear the werepups  laughing at me cause I never acted this way to a boy and especially a human one

Let's do our final prayers for Bucky and hope the wolves won't kill him  and I hope you will enjoy this and stay safe readers and wolf strong through this time we got THIS and will take up to THE TOP 

Word count 312 .

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