by foofy
a6d sighed to himself
"im bored"
he called neglectful diamond boy up with his new i phone lxix
"skeppy come over with baldboy pls <3"
"are we fucrehking again"
skeppy came over to a6d shouse he oepened the door & looked around the wmptyvoif filled rom strting to have an existsniel cris
he screamred as ads6f jinmped over slappijng a vucket ove rhis head
skeppy dieid imeeependejhnatly
bakdlkahek;loi cried lliek a baby as atdy shoved a duvi ckign on his head nbut beforee thsat bald guyt called 911 so a6d was dwrres for 1st ge=dsfege pmujruder
a6d satr roin the osntr bed at the priusodn sighing he looked oer at tge prison gyuard licking his luscious pink e boy lips lips lippies uwu
"im hugnrey"
ad6 flaltt enddsne huselkfk lie a spide r slither ing over to the the e e e security guaee
"get in my tummy " he ATETG HIKM
fallen cast
Romantizmbasically fallen on crack. if you are hre from my announcemrnt fallen is not discontinued don't woryr lllolol