Chapter 3

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I bit into the vole-wishing it was a nice, juicy trout-as I stared at Mapletail, Eclipsestar, Honeyblossom, and Mossleap as they conversed by the leader's den. Every once in a while, one of them would cast a glance my way. Flowerpaw was still out with Primrosepetal completing her assessment, the rest of the apprentices out on patrols like I had just been.

I hadn't spoken to Mapletail after she told me she wanted me to be a medicine cat, I just turned tail and began to pad back to the camp.

Am I really that bad of an apprentice my mentor needs to dump me in the medicine cats' den? I wondered. Flowerpaw's doing her assessment right now! She's probably going to get her warrior name today! And my mentor-the Clan deputy-thinks I'm such a bad apprentice she needs to send me off to another mentor. And as a punishment for being such a bad warrior, I don't even get to be a warrior anymore!

I let out an upset sigh.

"Why the long face?"

I jumped as I felt breath on my shoulder and Creekfall's voice was loud in my ear. "Creekfall! You nearly scared me out of my fur!" I exclaimed, smoothing my ruffled fur.

The new warrior's whiskers twitched in amusement. "I have that effect on people," he purred, gray tabby tail sliding around her neck. Then his face grew serious and he met her gaze, concern showing in his blue eyes. "What's wrong, Clove?" he asked, ears cocked backwards worridley.

I hesitated. Creekfall was a close friend of mine, and besides, if Eclipsestar decided to make me a medicine cat, he'd find out soon enough anyway.

"I was trying to catch a mouse, but I messed it up big time and ended up falling over. Mapletail saw-and caught the mouse when I couldn't."

Creekfall's brow creased sympathetically. "Mapletail is a highly experienced warrior, and the Clan deputy," he reminded me, "And besides, none of us is used to woodland hunting. We all miss catches sometimes!" I shook my head.

"That's the thing. I miss catches all the time. I'm good at river hunting, but Mapletail says if I can't be good at hunting ground prey I'm not going to be able to provide for my clan in leaf-bare. And that's not all!" I added before Creekfall could reply, my fur beginning to lift angrily, "Mapletail told me 'some cats aren't meant to be warriors'! She said maybe I should be a medicine cat instead! And now she's talking to Eclipsestar and Honeyblossom and Mossleap trying to get the medicine cats to take me off her paws," I finished.

I turned to stare at my paws. Now that I said it aloud, it sounded dumb. I had just admitted to being a bad land hunter! Why would any cat want me as an apprentice?


Creekfall's voice was gentle and when I turned to look nervously at him, his eyes were soft.

"You're an amazing hunter. I've been on patrols with you! Back in green-leaf, you were able to catch all the fish in the river! And during training, you could easily beat me in a fight-and I'm a moon older! And, obviously bigger," he teased.

I felt my pelt warm at his praise. If only Mapletail had heard that! Maybe then she would still want me to be her apprentice.

"Thanks, Creek," I purred. "That's really kind of you to say."

"It's true!" he insisted. "If Mapletail doesn't want to be your mentor anymore, she's the most mouse brained cat I've ever met! Being your mentor would be a great excuse to spend more time with a great cat like you."

I was a bit taken aback. Say what? Creekfall thinks I'm a great cat? Usually cats only say that about Flowerpaw! I recovered quickly, giving my chest fur a few embarrassed licks. "Thanks," I meowed. Creekfall is a really good friend!

Creekfall opened his jaws to say more, when suddenly I felt paws pushing me to the ground. I gasped as I was forced to the ground, my belly exposed, and curled my lips into a snarl-and was surprised to see Flowerpaw's black and white face staring down at me, alight with joy.

"I did it! I passed my assessment!" she exclaimed. "I'm going to be a warrior!"

Dawning Snow: Book 1 by _Cloversplash_Where stories live. Discover now