Chapter 2

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I lifted my muzzle, scenting the air apprehensively, and opened my jaws, letting the smell of the forest bathe my scent glands. Mouse. I glanced around and angled my ears toward where I could hear little squeaks coming from the roots of a large oak tree. I dropped into an awkward crouch.

I'm not meant for forest hunting! I thought in exasperation. But it was the middle of leaf-bare, and though it had not snowed yet, the river had frozen over, forcing RiverClan to use the stretch of woodland territory along the border with the twolegplace.

I padded uncertainty towards the tree, careful not to step on any of the crunchy fallen leaves that littered the forest floor. "Put your weight into your haunches. Mice will feel you coming before they hear you, so even if you don't make a sound they can feel your pawsteps through the vibrations in the ground." Mapletail's voice echoed in my mind.

Stupid Mapletail! I thought bitterly, lashing my tail. I deserve to be a warrior! I froze. The mouse had bolted up and was glancing around fearfully, letting out scared little squeaks. No, no, no! I thought angrily. I need to catch this! The mouse began to creep nearer towards the roots of a tree. Oh no you don't!

I raced towards the tree, skidding on the dead leaves. Unable to stop in time, I barrelled right over the roots of the oak and stumbled to a crashing halt in front of a pair of creamy red paws. I groaned inwardly. Of course it had to be her that saw me. I lifted my head slowly, already dreading whatever horrible punishment or nasty words she had for me this time.

Sure enough, Mapletail's disapproving green glare bore down on me, making my pelt prickle indignantly.

And to make things worse, a freshly killed mouse was dangling from her jaws.

"You missed this mouse, Cloverpaw," my mentor meowed.

As if I didn't know that! I thought angrily. Mapletail always treated me like a kit!

"You wouldn't have missed it if you hadn't moved your tail," the deputy went on. "I told you to always keep your tail straight when hunting in the forest, especially in leaf-bare or leaf-fall, when there are dry leaves around that will easily disturb your prey."

She fixed me with a familiar stern look, and I braced myself for the scolding that was sure to come next. "Why did you lash your tail, Cloverpaw?" I was taken aback.

"Uh...What?" No 'You're on tick duty for the rest of the day,'? No 'You don't get to eat until you catch something for your Clan,'?

Mapletail rolled her eyes, but her gaze grew surprisingly soft. "I'm sure your sister told you by now about Prim giving her her assessment today," she meowed, shifting her paws.

I looked at my feet and dug my claws uncomfortably into the soil. The dead leaves surrounding me suddenly seemed much more interesting.

I felt Mapletail's gaze studying me for a long time, and I wished that then and there the ground would open me up and swallow me whole. At last, the deputy spoke.

"Cloverpaw, I understand you must be feeling upset. You were obviously expecting to graduate with your sister. But every cat learns at their own pace. And some cats are just..." she paused once more, "...not meant to be warriors."

I froze, my fur rising in alarm. My ears flattened. What does she mean? 'Some cats aren't meant to be warriors'? Does she think I'm not meant to be a warrior?! What else would I be? Another thought hit me. What if she's going to tell Eclipsestar to exile me from RiverClan? Panic was beginning to bubble up inside of me.

Mapletail must have seen my face, as she added hastily, "I don't mean you can't be in RiverClan. But...Mossleap trained as a warrior before she became a medicine cat, you know."

Um, that's cool. For a moment I wondered blankly why she was telling me this. Then I realized what she was trying to say. She thinks I'm not fit to be a warrior! She wants me to become a medicine cat!

I was unable to speak, shock choking me.

But Mapletail wasn't finished.

"I'm going to speak to Eclipsestar when we get back to camp and tell him about what happened today-really, what's always happened. And then I'm going to speak to Honeyblossom and Mossleap about transferring your training to the medicine cats' den."

Dawning Snow: Book 1 by _Cloversplash_Where stories live. Discover now