Chapter 8

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I leaped off of the fallen log and my paws landed in dried, crunchy leaves. Something wriggled on my paw, and I shook off the worm in disgust.

"It doesn't look like ThunderClan or ShadowClan or here yet," Creekfall commented as we entered the gathering clearing. I felt my pelt prickle with anxiety.

"So it's just us and WindClan," I said, ears flattening nervously.

Glancing around at my Clanmates, I saw that they too were looking uneasy.

In the clearing, all of the WindClan cats had gathered together as we approached, glaring at us with obvious hostility.

A gray speckled tom exchanged a worried look with his Clanmate.


I scowled at him. Beside me, I heard Mirewind hiss, "Murderer!" Lightstep and Runningpool growled in agreement.

Flowerheart just walked past him, staring somberly at her paws. I felt a pang of sympathy course through me, quickly followed by guilt.

"You could have saved Clawbelly. Or at least tried to! But you left him to die."

I flinched. I was scared! I would have helped him if I could have! I insisted.

"True warriors don't get scared. No wonder Mapletail dumped you in the medicine cats' den."

I dug my claws into the earth angrily and sat down next to Creekfall and Streampaw.

"Are you okay?" Creekfall asked, chest fur raising in concern. "You look really mad."

Streampaw glared at the WindClan cats. "And for good reason!"

There were a few awkward moments of RiverClan and WindClan muttering amongst themselves before ShadowClan raced into the clearing.

ShadowClan's leader, a slender dark gray tom named Waterstar, leaped onto the Great Oak gracefully beside Eclipsestar.

Applestar, the russet furred she-cat who led WindClan, jumped up beside him, keeping a few rabbit-lengths away from the RiverClan leader.

"Cloverpaw, come on! I'll introduce you to some of my friends from ShadowClan," Creekfall purred, his whiskers splayed in excitement.

I nodded eagerly. "That would be great!" I exclaimed, following Creekfall to where a group of young ShadowClan cats were gathered.

"Crowpaw! This is my friend, Cloverpaw!" Creekfall called. The ShadowClan cats turned. A white she-cat with a black muzzle turned and smiled at Creekfall, beckoning for him to join them.

"Hiya Creekfall!" she purred. She turned to me and meowed politely, "Hi, Cloverpaw. I'm Crowpaw. Is she a new apprentice?" she asked Creekfall. I bristled. I'm as big as Creekfall!

Crowpaw's companions, a black and white tom and a black tom with a white tail tip, glared at her. "Don't be rude!" one snapped. He turned to Cloverpaw and his face softened as her added, "I'm Rainpaw. Sorry about Crowpaw, she can be a real frog-eater."

Frog-eater? I wondered in confusion. ShadowClan cats had strange words.

The second tom nodded. "I'm Curlpaw. Crowpaw and Rainpaw are my littermates," he added.

My fur began to smooth. "Nice to meet you!" I responded.

Suddenly a leafy scent touched my nose and I crinkled it in disgust. "ThunderClan is here," I meowed. Creekfall glanced at ThunderClan's leader, Acornstar, as the white tom leaped onto the Great Oak beside the other leaders.

"We better be heading back to the Clan," he reminded me. I nodded ad bid farewell to Rainpaw and Curlpaw before bounding over to join Streampaw where we had left her.

"Cloverpaw!" someone hissed. I turned towards Mossleap who was sitting at the roots of the Great Oak. "Medicine cats sit over here, remember?"

I groaned and nodded sullenly. "Sorry Creekfall," I started, but Creekfall didn't let me finish.

"It's okay, go sit by Mossleap." He smiled sadly and I felt a pang of guilt as I dragged myself towards my mentor.

Acornstar took a step forward. "Let the Gathering begin!"

Dawning Snow: Book 1 by _Cloversplash_Where stories live. Discover now