Chapter 19

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"Here we are," Mapletail said once they reached the border. "When you get back to camp, tell Eclipsestar that the badger was driven off but that it cost me my life. And make sure to add that you already buried me so that they don't come looking for me. Oh, and run through a thornbush or something so that the story is believable," she finished, her intense gaze resting on Hawkpaw as he touched noses with Streampaw.

Glancing around, I saw that Creekfall, Streampaw, Flowerheart, and Hawkpaw all wore the same confused expression.

"Um...What?" I asked. Mapletail's ears pricked in surprise and she gave her chest fur a few embarrassed licks.

"I forgot to mention it, but I'm also going with you," she said, a smile crossing her muzzle. It was strange; I had barely ever seen Mapletail smile. She glanced at Flowerheart. "Oh, congrats, by the way."

Flowerheart dipped her head politely, her eyes still wide. "Uh, thanks."

I glanced at Creekfall. He seemed to be recovering from the shock, and he just shrugged at me. "Well, I guess she could come."

Streampaw nodded. Hawkpaw sighed. "I'll do what you say, Mapletail. Good-bye, Streampaw," he murmured sadly, then turned and bounded away.

"Remember that thorn bush!" Mapletail called, and the gold apprentice whisked his tail in acknowledgment. Once he had disappeared from our sight, Mapletail met my gaze, her green eyes serious.

"I know you couldn't possibly have killed your own mother, Cloverpaw. You may have a Dreamwalker, but that doesn't define you. I was your mentor once- and as much as I didn't want to give you up, I knew that being a medicine cat was part of your destiny. And now, I'm not going to leave you to face this on your own." Mapletail's voice was oddly gentle.

This is so weird! I thought, then shook out my pelt. My eyes widened as her words dawned on me. "Does that mean..." I began, "does that mean you didn't want to just dump me onto another mentor because of what a bad hunter I was?" I asked, looking at my paws.

Mapletail's tail lashed suddenly. "What? Of course not! Where in the world would you get that idea?"

Well...I shrugged, glad that Mapletail didn't think of me as a disappointment after all. "Where are we going to go?" I asked Creekfall.

Creekfall opened his jaws to respond, but his sister beat him to it. "We'll go find Mahoganyshade, of course!"

Flowerheart's tail twitched eagerly. "They'll let us join their new Clan, of course, since we had to leave for the same reason that they did. And they won't pass up the chance at having some kits in the nursery," she purred. "I can't wait to see Prim again!" she exclaimed.

I smiled. Primrosepetal had been her mentor. My heart rose as I thought of Honeyblossom. It would be so good to see her again!

"Come on, Streampaw and I know the way to their territory. We might have to look around for wherever their camp is, though," I warned. But no cat seemed to mind.

Streampaw and I took the lead and, suddenly full of energy, we all raced towards the forest near the twolegplace.

"They live in a forest?" Mapletail asked in wonder.

Streampaw nodded. "There isn't any other place like RiverClan's territory around here," she reminded her. "Plus, aren't we all used to woodland hunting by now?"

Most of us, I thought, that familiar bitterness entering my thoughts. But I was a medicine cat now. I don't need to hunt anymore!

"Let's split up and look for the camp," Mapletail suggested.

Streampaw nodded, looking slightly worried. "You go with Flowerheart, and Creekfall can go with Cloverpaw. I'll go on my own. If you were caught alone in their territory, they might think that Riverclan is trying to invade," she pointed out.

I nodded in agreement. As Creekfall and I bounded off into the unfamiliar woods, a mix of excitement and worry churned in my stomach.

Dawning Snow: Book 1 by _Cloversplash_Where stories live. Discover now