Chapter 20

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Creekfall and I padded hesitantly through the forest, and he lifted his muzzle tentatively to scent the air. "I think there's a patrol coming," he warned, and sure enough, moments later, Primrosepetal. Goldwind, and Rosemarylight burst through the bracken, teeth bared.

"You are trespassing on SnowClan land!" Rosemarylight snarled. But as she looked us up and down, her fur smoothed. "Oh, it's just Creekfall and Cloverpaw," she meowed.

Primrosepetal's eyes lit up. "Hey, Cloverpaw! How is Flowerheart?"

I leaned forward to touch noses with her happily. "She's expecting kits!"

Goldwind's eyes clouded with worry. "So soon? She's very young," she pointed out slowly, echoing my worries. Then she turned to Creekfall and asked, "how are you and your sister doing, Creekfall?"

Creekfall took a step forward. "Actually, we're not great. Cloverpaw was accused of killing Leafwhisker- even though she was right next to Mossleap or I the entire Gathering- and she was exiled. Me, Streampaw, Mapletail, Flowerheart and her unborn kits all left with her."

Primrosepetal and her sister exchanged a bewildered glance. "But Cloverpaw was at the Gathering the whole time! And Leafwhisker's her mother!" she growled indignantly.

I nodded a little sadly. "Eclipsestar was very quick to doubt me, though," I sighed.

"We were hoping that maybe we could join your Clan?" Creekfall asked, his fur lifting nervously.

Goldwind tilted her head. "We'll have to check with Mahoganyshade, but as the deputy, I can say with almost absolute certainty that you can stay with us," she purred.

I grinned. "That's great! Could one of you go find Streampaw, Flowerheart, and Mapletail, though, and direct them to your camp? We split up so we could find you," I said sheepishly.

Rosemarylight gladly bounded into the ferns while Prim and Goldwind led the way to their camp. I padded forward to walk next to Goldwind.

"So, you're the deputy?" I asked. "Congratulations!"

Goldwind smiled and looked at her paws in embarrassment. "Thank you," she replied.

"Earlier, you said Mahoganyshade," I began, unsure of if this was a bad topic, "does that mean Mahoganyshade hasn't journeyed to the moonpool to get his nine lives and name from StarClan yet?"

Goldwind shook her head, her tail twitching. She refused to meet my gaze, and her paws fidgeted nervously. "No, he has. StarClan told him that since SnowClan isn't a real Clan that goes to Gatherings and attends medicine cat meetings and stuff like that, they couldn't give him nine lives or his leader name."

Why is she so nervous? It's not anyone's fault that he wasn't granted nine lives, I thought, puzzled.

We emerged into the camp, and Goldwind hurried into Mahoganyshade's den.

Honeyblossom looked up from sorting herbs and raced over to me, eyes bright. "Cloverpaw!" she exclaimed in surprise. She licked my shoulder eagerly as we approached.

Then suddenly her face fell. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

I glanced at Creekfall. "I was exiled because Eclipsestar has the idea in his head that I killed Leafwhisker. Creekfall, Streampaw, Mapletail, and Flowerheart are with me," I explained.

Honeyblossom sighed. "So you're joining us?" she asked. I nodded.

Suddenly Rosemarylight burst into camp, Streampaw, Mapletail, and Flowerheart at her heels. Their eyes were wide with wonder as they took in the SnowClan camp.

Creekfall turned to stare at me, his gaze half worried and half pleased. "This is our home now."

Dawning Snow: Book 1 by _Cloversplash_Where stories live. Discover now