Chapter 13

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I padded up to Mahoganyshade as Streampaw, Leopardpaw and I escorted the new exiles out of our territory.

"Creekfall and I are going to find out who really killed my mother. You can come back soon, I promise," I meowed. Mahoganyshade lashed his light brown tail.

"Thank you, Cloverpaw, but we're not going to come back," he responded, flicking his ears. "We're forming our own Clan.

Leopardpaw froze. "What?" she asked, her shocked eyes trained on her mother. "What about Lightstep? And Hawkpaw and I?" she asked incredulously. Goldwind's eyes brimmed with pain.

"I'm sorry. But as long as Eclipsestar leads the Clan...," she trailed off and looked at her paws. Then she looked at her daughter hopefully. "You can go get Lightstep and Hawkpaw, and you can all come with us!" she suggested, ears pricking.

Leopardpaw cocked her head, thinking, before shaking her head sadly. "Lightstep could never leave Mirewind." I nodded in agreement. Lightstep and Mirewind were closer than most siblings, and had been best friends since they were born.

Goldwind sighed. "Okay. I'm going to miss you three."

"Cloverpaw?" I turned to see Honeyblossom staring at me with wide dark blue eyes.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Good luck as a medicine cat."

I leaned forward sadly and nuzzled her forehead. "Good luck in your new Clan," I responded. Honeyblossom dipped her head to me with a sad smile, then gave my shoulder a swift lick.

Once we reached the border, Leopardpaw and Goldwind touched noses one last time and Streampaw and Primrosepetal exchanged a quick farewell.

"Whoever killed Leafwhisker is responsible for the loss of six good cats. I swear to you and to StarClan, I will find out who that cat is," I hissed to Mahoganyshade. Then, my fur flattening a little, I added to him, "You'll make a good leader."

Mahoganyshade purred. "Thank you, Cloverpaw. I hope that one day, you and I will cross paths again."

I nodded. "May StarClan light your paths."

• • •

"What happened?" Creekfall asked, racing up to me as Streampaw, Leopardpaw, and I entered the camp. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Leopardpaw bound over to Hawkpaw and whisper something to him. Hawkpaw's eyes slowly grew wide and then he let out a wail.

I sighed and met my friend's gaze sullenly. "They're going to form a Clan. Mahoganyshade is going to be their leader," I explained. Creekfall tilted his head.

"Would StarClan even give him nine lives and 'star in his name?" he asked. I shrugged. "And what about once we prove that whoever did it isn't one of the exiles? Will they come back then?"

"What if it is one of the exiles?"

I ignored Whitecloud and answered Creekfall. "He says they're not coming back." I lowered my voice and glanced around to make sure no other cat was eavesdropping, then added, "Not if Eclipestar is still leader."

Creekfall's face fell in dismay, then he twitched his whiskers angrily. "Well I wouldn't want to be led under someone who accuses e of murder, either," he growled. I meowed in agreement.

What would it be like to be accused of killing your own Clanmate? I asked myself in bewilderment. Who would even do that?

"The only cats who would have been here and were able to kill Leafwhisker are all gone now," Creekfall murmured.

"Unless someone snuck out of the Gathering."

It wasn't a RiverClan cat! I silently hissed back to Whitecloud, but I had to admit she had a point. "Someone could have snuck out of the Gathering," I mumbled.

Creekfall's ears pricked. "Good idea, Cloverpaw! We can ask everyone if they saw anyone acting weird or if they saw someone sneaking away!"

I groaned. Because that won't seem suspicious!

But I followed Creekfall as he approached Runningpool.

"Did you happen to see anyone acting strangely at the gathering last night? Or was there anyone who went missing?" Creekfall asked. I flattened my ears.

Way to be obvious!

Runningpool's whiskers twitched. "Try to be a little more subtle," she advised, her expression unreadable. Creekfall gave his chest fur a few swift licks in embarrassment.

"Sorry," he muttered.

Runningpool twitched her whiskers. Is she amused? I wondered, appalled. A cat was killed! "It's fine. And to answer your question, she was probably just making dirt, but I saw Flowerheart sneaking off into the ferns after Eclipsestar announced her as a warrior."

Dawning Snow: Book 1 by _Cloversplash_Where stories live. Discover now