Chapter 17

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"Now, why were you asking me about Dreamwalkers?" Mossleap asked, sitting on her haunches and staring at me, her gaze softening into urgency.

I dug my claws into the earth, butterflies beginning to stir in my belly. "Well, you see, for a while, there's been this voice, who calls herself Whitecloud...." I trailed off as I saw Mossleap's face fall into dismay.

"No!" she exclaimed, rising to her paws. "No, this is all wrong!" Without another word, she turned and raced out of the den. I bounded hastily after her in time to see her tail vanishing into Eclipsestar's den.

After a few moments, Eclipsestar raced out, his gaze fierce as it rested on my, then ripped it away and slipped atop the willow stump.

"Let all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!"

What is going on? I wondered, the butterflies now swarming every part of me.

I heard a purr. "You shouldn't have told them about me," sang Whitecloud.

My ears flattened. Why would my Clan be angry? You're my guardian angel! The only reply I got was a bell-like laugh in the back of my mind.

I glanced around and spotted Flowerheart giving me a horrified look. My heart almost stopped.

She thinks I told Mossleap! I would never betray her that way!

"RiverClan, there is a traitor among us."

I cast a distressed look at Flowerheart. Had Mossleap misheard our conversation? I wondered, my heart racing.

But when I looked up at Eclipsestar, I saw that he was not looking at my sister, but at me. "Cloverpaw has been cursed with a Dreamwalker."

A murmur of confusion rippled through the Clan.

"What's that?" Creekfall asked, padding up beside me, his ears cocked to the side in confusion.

I just shook my head, staring up at my leader in bewilderment and worry.

Eclipsestar nodded to my mentor, and Mossleap rose to her paws from where she had been sitting at the foot of the willow stump.

"A Dreamwalker is a terrible cat, from the Place of No Stars. A Dreamwalker will pick a cat they deem to be worthy of their time," Mossleap growled, "and then cloud that cat's thoughts with bad things, urging them to commit unthinkable acts."

I pricked my ears. Whitecloud was from the Place of No Stars? I wondered, exchanging an alarmed look.

A caught a few of my clanmates casting me wary looks.

"Is that why Cloverpaw stole the chub from Mapletail?" Leopardpaw called.

Hawkpaw nudged her with a glare. "Mapletail stole it first," he reminded her. Leopardpaw didn't reply, fixing her amber eyes suspiciously on her former denmate. I felt my heart sink. If even my friends were doubting me....

"Cloverpaw is a danger to us all! Who knows what her Dreamwalker will make her do?" Eclipsestar yowled. RiverClan snarled in agreement, a few cats showing me their teeth and taking angry steps toward me.

I felt Creekfall press closer to my side and I laid my tail on his shoulder gratefully. At least I still had one friend.

"Cloverpaw probably snuck out of the gathering and killed Leafwhisker!" Mirewind hissed; beside her, Lightstep arched his gray and white back, teeth bared.

I backed away, my fur spiking, and Creekfall padded protectively in front of me. "She would never kill her mother!"

Streampaw glared at Leopardpaw and rose to her paws, padding over to stand beside her brother.

"Quiet!" Eclipsestar called, his eyes glinting.

The yowls out outrage softened to a disgruntled muttering.

"I agree, Cloverpaw's Dreamwalker most likely made her kill her own mother," he began.

Creekfall and Streampaw gasped angrily, and I felt like my paws had frozen to the ground.

Flowerheart, to my surprise, came up beside me. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you," she whispered. I just nodded limply.

"What are you going to do?" Mapletail asked. Her expression was unreadable. "She's probably hoping RiverClan will have one less mouth to feed soon," Whitecloud hissed.

I lashed my tail. This is your fault! You got me into this mess!

"No, you did," Whitecloud snapped. "I told you not to tell Mossleap about me, and of course you didn't listen!"

"Kill her!"

"Throw her in the river!"

"She can swim, idiot."

"Oh, yeah. Kill her!"

"Murderers don't deserve to live!"

"Silence! I have thought about this, and I have decided to exile Cloverpaw," Eclipsestar declared, swinging his head around to glare at me. "If anyone catches you on our territory again, I will make sure you regret it."

Dawning Snow: Book 1 by _Cloversplash_Where stories live. Discover now