Chapter 5

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I emerged from my new den, arching my back and yawning as I blearily blinked sleep from my eyes. I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep that night-the scent of herbs surrounding me had made me nauseous.

I glanced around, unsure of what to do. Usually I would be racing towards Mapletail as she organized patrols at the fresh-kill pile, waiting for her to finish so we could go train or hunt, but now I was a medicine cat apprentice.

Suddenly I noticed a gray she-cat bounding towards me, looking impatient.


Leafwhisker skidded to a halt before me and dipped her head coolly. "You're a medicine cat now," my mother commented.

Oh, REALLY? I thought, biting back irritation. "Mhm."

My mother and I...Let's just say we didn't have a great relationship. Leafwhisker had always brushed me off as unimportant-after all, why pay attention to me when her perfect Flowerheart was around?

A memory came back to me. It was a few moons ago, and I had just caught a huge trout. Mapletail had actually praised me for it! I had been so happy...

I padded towards Leafwhisker, tail flicking happily; my catch from earlier that day-a large, dripping trout, was dangling from my pleased jaws.

"Mama! Look! I caught a carp!" I paused hesitantly as Flowerpaw raced towards our mother, carrying a small carp. Leafwhisker's ears pricked and she pureed in delight.

"Amazing catch, Flowerpaw!" she exclaimed. My sister's pelt bristled excitedly.

She likes Flow's tiny catch! Now I know she'll be proud of me! I thought, whiskers twitching with anticipation. I quickened my pace and called, "Leafwhisker! Look at the trout I-"

Leafwhisker fixed me with an annoyed glare and lashed her tail. "Can't you see I'm talking to your sister? Take Mapletail's catch to the fresh-kill pile and stop interrupting us." She turned back to Flowerpaw, her gaze softening, and began to praise her once more.

My heart sunk. It's not Mapletail's catch. I had been so proud of that catch, my first huge trout-the trout even Mapletail had beamed at me for! But then my mother had to ruin it.

I had done my best to avoid my mother after that.

Leafwhisker met my gaze, her expression unreadable. "Medicine cats are very important-which means you're very important now. Like your sister." She turned to gaze at Flowerheart as she listened to Mapletail assign patrols.

I was taken aback. I knew Leafwhisker thought of me as lesser than Flow, but I didn't think she despised me!

A faint memory flickered in the back of my mind. Flowerkit and I play fighting, Sparrowflight and Leafwhisker watching us fondly at the entrance to the nursery. I don't remember my father very well-he had died in yet another battle with WindClan shortly after I was born-but when he was alive, Leafwhisker had been a much different cat. After he died, she decided Cloverkit wasn't worth her attention.

"Why can't you love me like you love Flowerheart?" I whispered, gaping at her in hurt.

My mother just rolled her eyes at me. "Stop acting like a kit. Flowerheart is a trained warrior! You're just an apprentice that nobody wants." With that, she spun around and bounded towards Flowerheart, brushing against her affectionately.

My paws felt rooted to the earth.

What if she's right? I wasn't a great hunter, and didn't have many friends. My former mentor had gotten so sick of me she dumped me onto another cat, forcing me to become a medicine cat to punish me for being such a lousy warrior.

No cat wants me-what's the point of being in RiverClan at all?

Dawning Snow: Book 1 by _Cloversplash_Where stories live. Discover now