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Class is almost over and I am so happy because I hate math. I'm sorry but who's brain can function this early in the morning, it's our first class of the day and I'm still half asleep.

I grabbed my bag and placed in on the desk then started to pack up. Before I can finish Seonghwa turns to me and starts talking. "Hey Minji what's your next class?." He whispers to me. "Art." I respond bluntly. He smiles then starts to talk again.

"Me too, want to walk together?" It would be rude to say no so I might as well say yes. "Sure." I say. For some reason he looked happy and it made me smile but then we locked eyes and he froze almost immediately.

-Seonghwa's POV-
I was happy that Minji agreed to walk with me. It's my first day here so I don't really have any friends other than the guys so I'll try and make friends with Minji.

After she said yes I turned and looked her in the eyes, then...something happened. I saw something in her eyes, like a small golden speck that swirled in her eyes. There's no way those are her actual eyes, was it the dazzling light?

How is that possible? I have a girlfriend, Jennie and I love her and only her. It's probably just a light reflecting off of something in the room and it flashed in her eyes.

But I couldn't look away from her. I was drawn into her eyes like a sailer drawn to a siren. It felt like I was put under some sort of spell it was a very magical feeling, I was lost in her eyes I was mesmerized, I felt like there is something between us, but there isn't and never will be because I don't like her she's just a friend, if she even thinks we are friends now but I hope we are friends.

-Minji's POV-

We have been staring at each other for awhile now. I don't like this at all but I just can't look away it felt like I was put under some sort of spell and it seemed like it was the same for Seonghwa too.

"Alright class is dismissed"
Those few words forced me to look away from his eyes. It will be kinda awkward now especially because we have next class together AND he asked to walk with me.

We got up and gathered the rest of our stuff together then started to walk to art class. It actually wasn't awkward walking with Seonghwa, his presence is very comforting and nice.

I think I might consider him a friend now even though I will have to get used to him being here because he's friends with my brother and the guys.

We entered art class and once we did I saw Wooyoung and Yeosang. I forgot they were in this class well it makes me feel much better.

"Alright guys class has started so for today you will get into pairs and work on an art project, we all know a pair means TWO so no being sneaky and partnering up with THREE people" the teacher said eyeing me Wooyoung and Yeosang, hehe whoopsies~

"Come and work with me Minji!" Wooyoung yelled. "I thought we were working together?" Yeosang says with betrayal in his voice. "We've been friends for years and you leave me for someone else I see how it is" Yeosang starts whining to Wooyoung.

"I'm sorry Yeosang I'll work with you this time." Wooyoung says sympathetically. Yeosang cheers in joy while Wooyoung apologizes to me. "Looks like your gonna have to pair up with Seonghwa now." Greatttt I wonder how this is going to work out.

I don't even know what we are supposed to do I only remember the teacher explaining that we pair up.

             -flashback to like 5 minutes ago-

"Blah blah blah blah, your assignment is to draw and paint a picture of your partner you may not finish today so it is due on-"

                           -Present time-

Ahh now I remember what to do, but when did he say it's due again? Uhhh think think think!
"Uhm Minji are you okay?" Seonghwa's voice rang through my ears and startled me. "Yeah I'm fine but when did he say the assignment it due?" "Next week." I nod my head. This is going to be interesting.

"Can you turn your head that way? No the other way, then look down a bit- no no no your looking down too much can you look up again? Alright now slightly turn your head to the left- no no my left, alright now fold your- Minji please fix your posture like I asked the last 5 times, okay now fold your hands."

Seonghwa kept on telling me things to do so he can get the perfect angle to draw at. I was getting pretty frustrated and it's obvious he is too.

"Aren't you drawing me from the neck up? Why do I have to fold my hands?" I was very confused. "No I decided to just draw your whole body." Seonghwa explained. "Now Minji please fix your posture and can you turn your head towards me and maybe tuck some hair behind your ear?" I groaned in response to him

I heard laughing from behind me so I abruptly turn around just to find Wooyoung and Yeosang laughing at me. "What are you two laughing at?" Wooyoung and Yeosang keep laughing for about another minute before responding.

"You guys seem to be getting along perfectly fine with no problems at all" Yeosang says will FULL sarcasm. "Haha very funny" I respond back ALSO with sarcasm :)

The rest of the class went kind of smoothly except Wooyoung and Yeosang still laughing at me and Seonghwa and how he orders me around like a dog. But finally art was over after like 700 years.
   I accidentally made this one a teeny bit longer but I hope that's fine, I will keep showing more members with minji as the chapters keep going and maybe specific members alone with her🤫

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