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I text Hongjoong to meet us in the front of the mall with Yeosang so we can all leave. We continue walking until we are outside. I look around for Hongjoong but I don't see him. "Did you text Hongjoong?" Seonghwa looks at me confused. "Yeah I did but he didn't respond yet." I say as I check my phone again. I decide to call him to see where he is.

After what felt like years he finally answered the phone.


"Where are you? We are waiting outside"

"I'm sorry I didn't see your message"

"Well can you hurry up"

"Yeah I'm sorry Yeosang and I are coming now"

"Alright bye"

I hang up the phone and sigh. "They are coming now." Right as I say that Yeosang and Hongjoong walk up to us. "Alright let's go now." "Wait" we all stop and turn to Yeosang. "Didn't you come here with Jennie? Why are you coming with us?" Yeosang looks confused.

"Jennie and Sana wanted to stay at the mall so I told Seonghwa he could come with us, is that alright Yeosang?" I make a cute face at him. He blushes and nods his head and I smile. "Let's go~" we all get in the car and head home.

"Oh Hongjoong is it alright if I stay over?" "Yeah it's fine." Then we get to our house. "Thanks for the ride Yeosang!" I give him a hug and kiss his cheek then run inside.

Seonghwa gave me a look when we got inside. "What why are you looking at me like that?" He walks up to me. "You just kissed Yeosang." I scoff, is he seriously worried about that? "Yeah I did, do you have a problem with it?" I tease him. "Do you like him?" He says completely ignoring what I had said before.

"So What if I do"

"So you do?"

"I never said that"

"You basically just did"

"I basically didn't"

"Yes you did"

"No I didn't"

"Do. You. Like. Yeosang."

"What if I do, what are you gonna do about it?"

Seonghwa tenses up. His whole mood just changed from earlier. He huffs in annoyance. "Just answer my damn question!" Now he's really mad.

"Why does it matter Hwa?" I pout at him hoping it will make him less mad. He takes a deep breath before responding.

"Because you can't like him"

"Why not?"

"Because you can't!"



"You two stop arguing now!" Hongjoong yells at us. Everyone got silent. "Jeez you guys were getting along so well earlier at the mall why can't you get along now?" I look down ashamed. It was a really stupid thing to fight about. " I'm sorry" we both say at the same time. "It's fine just try not to do it again I don't want my sister and my best friend to fight." He smiles at us before walking upstairs. He stops at the top of the stairs and says something.

"By the way Seonghwa the guest room is being fixed up right now so you're gonna have to sleep in Minji's room, that's if she doesn't mind." Seonghwa turns to me waiting for my answer. I stand there in silence not knowing what to say. This is really awkward so just to get out of this I answer. "Fine you can stay with me." Seonghwa face lightens up. "Alright now that we settled that I'm going to bed, goodnight." "Night" we respond back.

"Soooo lets go upstairs" he nods and we go upstairs. "Here, you can change into these." I hand him a pair of clothes. He thanks me then goes into the bathroom. While he's in there I change into my clothes. I lay on my bed and use my phone while I wait for Seonghwa.

"Hey minji?" I hear him say. I look up waiting for him to continue. "Where am I gonna sleep?" Oh my gosh I forgot about that. "Uhhhhhh" is all I can say. "It's fine I can sleep on the floor. I feel bad now, I don't want him to sleep on the floor but I'll feel awkward with him next to me.

"You can sleep with me" he turns to me shocked. "A-are you s-sure? I don't have to if you don't want me to" he says looking down. I laugh at how shy he got. "I don't mind, just don't get too close to me" I say In a strict tone. "Yes ma'am" he responds back.

I turn off the lamp as Seonghwa lays down. I place a pillow in between us and he turns around to me. "Is that really necessary?" "Yes" he rolls his eyes and turns around, I laugh at him then turn around. I soon drift off to sleep.

I wake up because I feel someone moving next to me. I decide to just keep my eyes closed and ignore it. I feel it again, and again, and again. Oh my gosh can this man not stay still I'm trying to sleep. I open my eyes and look up to see Seonghwa inches away from my face. I then notice my whole body is wrapped on him. What the hell happened to the pillow why is it gone?! I quickly let go of Seonghwa then look at him. I freeze in place. Our faces are so close to each other right now, this is dangerous.

We continue to just stare into each other's eyes as we lay in an awkward position. As if our faces weren't close enough Seonghwa leans in even more. I still can't move, I just stay in the same spot as I watch Seonghwa move closer to my face. Closer, and closer and-
Well that's all for this chapter, It is currently 6:30am and I have gotten no sleep so since I can't sleep I decided to update. I spent hours on this chapter because I kept getting distracted but I finally finished it! Hope you like it💗

p.s If there are any spelling mistakes I apologize I am running on no sleep so I don't really realize my mistakes ^-^

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