Bonus Chapter

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"Mommy wake up!" I hear someone yell in a high pitched voice. "Just 5 more minutes" I say and turn around. I feel someone wrap their arms around me and kiss my cheek. "Baby it's time to wake up" I open my eyes and see Seonghwa in front of me.

"Morning~" I say before kissing him. "Eww" we turn around and start laughing. "Let's go down and make breakfast alright?" They both nod and we all go downstairs.

"Hwa can you go get the baby? I think he's awake now" he kisses my cheek then goes upstairs. "Can I go too mommy?" She looks at me with a little pout. "Why don't you go set up the table sweetheart" she nods and runs over to get plates then places them at the table.

"I'm done!" She runs over to me. "Good job, I'll go put the food on the table now" I put the food on the plates then sit down. (What did I just say?😭)

Seonghwa comes down the stairs with the baby in his arms. "Babe where is his bottle?" He says while walking over to me. "It's on the counter over there" I point to where I put his bottle. "Alright thanks" he puts the baby in his little chair and goes to get his bottle.

"Okay everyone, eat up!" I watch as my 5 year old daughter eats her food with my husband. We finally started our family just like we wanted to. We have two kids, a daughter who is 5 and a son who is 1 years old.

20 minutes later...

We all finished our food and decided to go to the park. We were all downstairs putting on our shoes. "Are we ready?" They both nod. "Let's go!" We leave our house and walk to the park since it isn't that far.

"Sweetie go play with the other kids" I say once we get to the park. I had noticed how excited she looked before so I let her go and play with the other kids while I sit on the bench with Seonghwa.

"I can't believe after all these years we finally started the family we wanted" he looks me in the eyes and smiles. I blush and look away. No matter how long we are together he will always have this affect on me. Seonghwa lifts my chin up with his hand and looks me in the eyes once again.

"Minji I love you so much" my eyes start to get watery once he says those words. "I love you too Hwa" I give him a peck on the cheek. "We've been through so much it's crazy" a tear slowly falls down my face as I start to recall our moments together since the beginning.

(Each space within the paragraphs means it's a new memory, also it's kind of like a flashback of all my favorite moments throughout the story)

I stood there frozen. I couldn't move at all, what was happening? Is this the dazzling light people always talk about? But I never thought it was possible especially for someone like me.

I couldn't look away from her. I was drawn into her eyes like a sailor drawn to a siren. It felt like I was put under some sort of spell.

"It's bad isn't it." He looks up with a cute pout on his face. I pinch his face and giggle. "Noooo your hair is so amazing it looks really good on you"

My mind just completely shuts down. He looks so handsome I can't function right now. "M-minji y-you l-look really p-pretty" he says while looking down

Right as I say that he kisses me. I immediately kiss him back as I wrap my arms around his neck.

I have admired you for awhile now, I didn't realize it before but now... now I realize how much you mean to me. I really like you, like a lot and I hope we can try a relationship together. I promise to always make you happy and spend time with you.

"I love you Seonghwa" her grip on me gets weaker and weaker. "I love you too Minji"

He leans in and kisses me. Our lips connected perfectly like a puzzle piece. His lips were sweet and soft like cotton candy. It felt as if time had stopped. I melt in his embrace as I feel his arms slowly grab ahold of my waist, pushing us closer together. I wrap my arms around his neck getting rid of anymore space between us.

I smile at the picture then put my phone away. "It's so beautiful today" I say looking up at the sky. "Not as beautiful as you" I turn to Seonghwa and he winks at me.

"I don't know which one to ride first" we all start walking around the amusement park. "How about me?" I turn towards Seonghwa shocked. "Yeah that's not happening" Yeosang says while glaring at Seonghwa. "It's just a jokeee" he whines.

"I honestly love everything about you, from your perfections to your flaws. I love everything about you. I love you so much and I don't plan on letting you go so Minji, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
"We really have been through a lot huh?" We both laugh while we watch our beautiful daughter play with the other kids. "And after all of that we are still a great couple" Seonghwa smirks a bit and I flick his forehead.

 Dazzling Light| P.Seonghwa ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now