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After the lunch incident I just went along with my day and soon enough it was over. I didn't even wait for Seonghwa or Hongjoong and didn't say bye to anyone. I'm just so tired I want to go home without anything stopping me.

I'm halfway home when I hear Hongjoong and Seonghwa call out to me. "MINJI WAIT!" They both yell. I continue to walk but not as fast. Soon they catch up and stop to breath. I watch them as they bend over panting from running all that way. "Why did you leave without us?" My brother says to me worriedly. "I wanted to leave school" I say as I shrug my shoulders.

Actually this day has been so stressful I think I just want to visit Sana and talk with her, I might feel better after. "Hey Hongjoong can I go over to Sana's house?" I ask him. "Sure but be home before it gets dark" I nod and hug him then run off to Sana's house. "Bye!" I say and they wave back at me.

I get to Sana's house and knock on her door. She answers with a shocked look on her face. "O-oh hi Minji" she says to me. "Hey can I come in?" She stands there for a minute before responding. "Y-yeah sure" she says hesitantly. I walk in and go towards her living room. I stop once I hear a familiar female voice upstairs.

"Hey Sana where is the towel-" she freezes in place. "Oh hey Minji" she smiles at me. "H-hi Jennie" Sana walks over the the stairs. "It's in the closet." Jennie nods then goes upstairs.

"Really?" She looks at me confused. "What do you mean really?" I slightly laugh. "I come here to hang out with you but you already have someone over, and it's Jennie!" I yell to her. "What's wrong with Jennie?" She says getting upset. "I thought we all disliked her but then all of a sudden I come to school and you guys are best friends, you stopped inviting me to hang out and always leave me and talk to me a lot less" "Minji what do you mean-" I cut her off.

"You know exactly what I mean Sana, you're replacing me" she looks at me offended. "I could never replace you Minji! You're my best friend!" "Oh really because it looks like Jennie is your best friend and not me."

"Why can't you just accept the fact that I have another friend, I can't ALWAYS hang around you"

"You can have other friends Sana it just makes me feel upset that you leave me out of things and don't talk to me that much anymore, and it's because of her"

"Don't you dare blame Jennie she did nothing"

"Why are you defending her all of a sudden, what happened to disliking her? I thought she was a hoe" Sana walks up to me and slaps me. I stand there in shock and hold my cheek. Tears start to form in my eyes.





"Call her that again and I'll do something much worse to you"

"I can't believe you turned into this Sana" I say as I hold my cheek. I start crying and Sana gets even more mad. "You can't just insult someone else then start crying as if you're the victim here because you are not, not everything is about you Minji!" Sana yells and slaps me once more. I fall to the floor crying.

"Get out of my house now!" I slowly get up and look her in the eyes. "Why?" I say as I keep crying. "I said get out" I open the door and run, I keep running and I don't stop. I run until my legs give up. It's now dark outside and I'm laying on the ground crying endless tears.

I take a moment to take in my surroundings. I'm on top of a hill. I sit down looking at the city view. I hear someone behind me and turn around but nobody is there. I then hear somebody whisper in my ear "goodbye Minji" I felt something hit my head then everything went black.

                       -Hongjoong's POV-

Since Minji went to hang out with Sana I decided to invite the guys over. We are all talking and playing games when I stand up and walk to the window. Everyone stops and looks at me. "What wrong?" Seonghwa says to me.

"It's dark outside and Minji still isn't home, I told her to be here before it gets dark" I say worriedly. "I'm sure she's alright, why don't you call Sana?" Jongho suggests. I agree then grab my phone to call Sana.
"Hey Sana is Minji there?"

"No she left hours ago, why?"

"Minji isn't home yet and I told her to be here before it gets dark"

"Oh well she's not with me, we kinda had a fight"

"Really? Can you tell me what happened?"
           Sana explains what happened

"And then she left running"

"What if something happened to her?!"

"I'm sorry Hongjoong this is my fault I shouldn't have done those things to her" Sana starts crying

"No Sana don't cry it's not your fault, I'll go look for her alright?"

"Okay thanks please tell me if you find her"

"Will do, bye Sana"

I end the call and rush over to the guys. "MINJI IS MISSING!" I cry out to them. "We have to go and look for her! Please! I can't lose my sister" I start crying. "Yeah c'mon lets go look for her!" Yunho says as we grab flashlights. We head out to look for Minji.
What happened to Minji :o
Idk let's go find out in the next chapter hehe🙂
I was going to check for mistakes but I'm still lazy sorry😭 I'll improve I promise

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