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-Minji's POV-

BamBam and I are walking in silence as we look at our surroundings. I finally break the silence. "Thank you for caring for me BamBam it really means a lot to me" I stop and turn to him. "Don't worry about it Minji, caring for you is just something a good friend should do" I smile at him. My phone vibrates and I take it out to see what it is.

               1 message from: Hwa!🦋💙

I stare at the notification on my phone. "What's wrong?" I look up at BamBam holding in my tears, I'm not gonna cry again. "Seonghwa just texted me" he sighs. "What does it say?" "I didn't open it yet."

"Can you open it for me?" I hand him my phone. "He wants to meet up with you at the park" my eyes widen. "Right now?" He nods his head. "Can you come with me? Pleaseeee" he laughs and agrees.

We talk and laugh as we walk to the park. I'm honestly feeling a lot better now. Once we get to the park we both look around confused. "Where is Seonghwa?" I look behind BamBam and scream "LOOK OUT!" He turns around to see Lisa swinging a bat at his head. Before it can hit him he grabs it and pulls on it.

"Lisa, what are you doing?" He says as she struggles to get it back. "Look, I was here for Minji not you, I really don't want to hurt you but you're getting in my way and I will stop anything that gets in my way." I stare at them in fear, she was trying to hurt me?

"Lisa you don't have to do this, please just stop this" she slowly let's go of the bat and so does he. Tears fall down her face. "BamBam... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry" she starts crying.

"Lisa it's alright just please don't cry" she looks up at him then says "I won't have to" he looks at her confused. Seconds later she hits him in the head with the bat, really hard. I scream as I look at BamBam lay unconscious on the ground. Lisa looks at me with the bat in her hand then smirks. "Let's make this easier, follow me and I won't hurt you" I walk backwards as I watch her get upset.

"You can't run from this Minji!" I scream again as she starts running towards me with the bat. I run as fast as I can away from her. I feel really bad for leaving BamBam but once I escape her I will go back to him. I turn a corner and stop to breath. I look back and she's not there anymore. I sit down on the grass and take another moment to breathe before going back.

"You can't run from me Minji" as soon as I turn around I get hit in the head with a bat. My vision got blurry so I couldn't stand properly. I start crawling away from her, hoping someone would come and save me. I hear her laugh behind me. "Aww how cute, you think crawling can save you?" She walks up to me and hits me with the bat again, and again, and again.

"Please... stop..." I can barely speak, my whole body is weak. She swings the bat at me again and I try to do what BamBam did, I grab the bat before she can hit me. I smirk at her as I pull on the bat and stand up. "I'm not giving up so easily" I spit in her face.

She screams and kicks my leg. I fall to the floor, but I still have the bat in my hands. I break a branch off of the bush next to me and slowly stand up. "What are you gonna do with a branch?" She laughs at me. "How sad"

"You know BamBam, right?" I say as I walk towards her. "Yeah I do" I glare at her. "And yet you knocked him out?! How dare you hurt him..." I clench my fists in anger. BamBam is always there for me, he is such a good friend and yet she probably almost killed him... I'm not letting her do that and get away with it.

"HE IS SUCH A GOOD FRIEND BUT YOU CHOOSE TO HURT HIM? WHY LISA!" I scream at her as tears fall uncontrollably. I grab the bat and use all my strength to run at her. I swing the bat but she dodges it. I kick her in her knees then hit her in the head with the bat. She screams in pain as she pulls me down with her.

She wraps her hands around my neck and starts to choke me. I dropped the bat when she pulled me down so I have nothing now. I grab a rock and hit her in the head again. I get up fast. I look over at her and see her head bleeding. She looks up at me clearly pissed off, I'm pissed off too.

"You're going to pay for this!" She runs at me again but I grab the bat and hit her. This bat is really good to hit people in the head with.

"MINJI!!" I hear someone yell, their voice sounds very far away though. "Shit" Lisa mumbles under her breath. I start to gain some strength little by little. "MINJI!" I hear again. It sounds like... Seonghwa

I continue to listen to his cries and I scream back. "SEONGHWA!" Lisa looks at me and yells "NO STOP IT" I ignore her and continue to yell. I can feel Seonghwa's presence nearby, for some reason it gives me strength.

Lisa starts to panic then pulls out a gun. I stop moving. "W-wait n-no" she shoots me in my leg and I fall to the floor. I hear her walk over to me and bend down. "You are such a pain" she pulls out a needle and injects me in my neck. I slowly start to drift off into a deep sleep. "No... BamBam... Seonghwa..." I say before everything turns black.

                              -Lisa's POV-

After she passed out I grab all my stuff and pick her up. She's heavy, I really want to kill her but I need her alive for my plan. I hear Seonghwa's voice getting closer so I start running to where I parked the van.

Once I get there I throw that stupid rat girl Minji in the back and drive off.

                         -Seonghwa's POV-

I get to the park and start looking around for Minji. Did she not show up yet? I walk around and see someone on the floor in the distance. I walk over to the person... it's that guy that was with Minji, he's unconscious.

I start to shake him and try to wake him up. "Hey, dude wake up" after a few minutes he wakes up. He groans in pain as he lays down. "Are you okay?" He looks at me and his eyes widen. "Seonghwa" I look at him confused. "How do you know my name?"

"You're the guy Minji came here to meet" he starts coughing. "Lisa... she's after Minji somewhere in the park, go and save her if you care about her." I gasp in shock. "Do you know which way they went?" He shakes his head, damnit.

I run around the park looking for her. "MINJI!" I shout for her. "MINJI!" I run around the park. "SEONGHWA!" I turn around at the voice... That's Minji.

I shout her name as I run in the direction of her voice. As I keep running, I can feel that I'm close. Suddenly, she stopped yelling. No no no please tell me she's safe. I continue running until I get to an area near the water. I look around for her, I swear she was right here. Then I see a van drive off. The person in the car looks like... Lisa. I fall to the floor and start screaming. This is all my fault, because of me Minji is gone.

Helloooooo~ I hope this chapter was good, it's finally time... the drama begins

I hope you all liked this chapter! Thanks for reading, byeeeee💙

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