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I watch as he gets closer, and closer, and-

My thought process shuts down, is this really happening? Why can't I move? This is bad.

I stay still as Seonghwa kisses me. I don't know what I should do, should I kiss him back? Nope nope nope that's bad I can't do that. He has a girlfriend I can't kiss back. I don't listen to my thoughts and just act on my emotions, at least I think I did. I kiss him.

I feel Seonghwa smirk as I kiss him back. It feels so special, so amazing, so right. But this is not right at all, I knew it too but at that moment I did not care. All I cared about was Seonghwa. I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. I'm pretty sure we sat there for like 5 minutes just making out. It just felt so magical I didn't want to let go of him, but I knew that this wasn't right and I had to stop.

I finally listen to my thoughts and pull back. We sit there panting as we catch our breath. I look up at Seonghwa and see him smirking. "You liked it didn't you." Is he being serious right now."yOu LiKeD iT dIdNt yOu" I mock him then slap his arm. He flinched then whines. "Owww why did you do that." I look at him shocked. "Why did I do that? You should know why I did that" he looks at me confused.

This guy is really- ugh. "You just kissed me, and you have a girlfriend." Seonghwa looks down and sighs. "I know, but I've been feeling really lonely lately because she doesn't even spend time with me anymore, the time at the mall was the first time we hung out outside of school In awhile which is why I invited her." I listen as he continues to talk. "I don't know why I did it but I'm sorry I just lost control of myself." I feel bad for him he needs to spend more time with Jennie, I'll go talk to her about it at school.

"Seonghwa it's fine you don't need to apologize" he looks at me then smiles. "Anyways we need to get ready for school." Seonghwa suddenly gets up in shock. "I forgot we had school today, I need to go to my house to get ready sooo bye!" He ran out my room and left. Wow that ended quickly.

I get ready for school and go downstairs to see Hongjoong. He places our food on the table and sits down. "Seonghwa left right?" I nod at him as I stuff my mouth with food.

"Nothing happened last night right?" I make a disgusted face at him. "Seriously, nothing happened" I say with a straight face. I didn't think about the "kiss" at that moment or else I would have blushed and looked away, then he would have known I was lying. "Hm alright just making sure" he says as he eats his food.

After we finish our food we put our shoes on and get our bags. "Let's go" we leave our house and start walking. Seonghwa is behind us and starts running. "Wait for me!" He says as he struggles with his stuff. We laugh at him as he drops his stuff on the floor. We help him pick it up then continue walking.

We get to the school and walk inside. I greet the boys then go to my locker. I see Sana walk up to me and I say hi to her. "Did you have fun last night with your extra shopping?" I say teasing her. She laughs and opens her locker. "Yeah I did." I then see Jennie walk down the hallway. "Hey Jennie can I talk to you?" She looks at me then rolls her eyes "make it quick" she says with an attitude, yikes I wonder what got her in a bad mood. We go somewhere a little more private to talk.

"Seonghwa told me he feels lonely sometimes, I think you should spend more time with him." I say to her. She scoffs at me "don't tell me what to do and how to handle my relationship, I can do stuff on my own. "I know but I was just suggesting-"

"Why do you care huh?"

"Well because Seonghwa told me-"

"I don't care what Seonghwa told you, he isn't your boyfriend right? So back off and mind your business Loser."

Jennie purposely bumped into me as she walked away. Well that just ruined my whole mood, so much for being nice.

                           -Sana's POV-

I silently watch Jennie and Minji talk privately. Jennie is being rude to her, good just as I told her to. I see Jennie walk off and bump into Minji purposely, nice move Jen. I see her walk towards my direction so I hide. She walks up to me and starts talking. "I did it" is all she says. "I know, you did good" I smile at her as we walk off.

                            -Minji's POV-

I decide to just leave and ignore it. As I walk to class I see a crowd form at the entrance of the school. I walk over to see what's going on. A bunch of people are whispering and talking about it but I can't see anything. I walk up to a random girl and ask her what's happening. "Hey, can you tell me what's going on?" She turns to me and says "there's a new girl, she is really pretty and already popular." I thank her than squeeze my way through the crowd. When I get to the front I couldn't believe my eyes.
       You have got to be kidding me
Lol hi another update, it's currently 7:45am so an hour and 15 minutes from when I last updated, I give up on sleep like what even if that?😭 I'm probably going to start working on the next chapter now cause I'm still bored and I'm pRoCrAsTiNaTiNg on school work. See ya in the next chapter bye!💖
P.s Same as last chapter I apologize for any mistakes

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