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Eleanor's p.o.v

It had been three weeks since the interview that broke me, and I was running on my last little bit of money. Not getting that job literally made me broke. I had gone to other interviews for lesser positions just to get something in my account, but I still hadn't found anyone to hire me. I was at my wits end and ready to give up at this point.

Sebastian and Allison have been trying to encourage me and tell me everything will be okay, but it's hard to believe them when nothing is going right. I was currently stewing over my most recent rejection while sipping my hot chocolate at the cafe. Allison was working, but she was supposed to take a break when Seb gets here so we can all hang out. He had been really busy with the movie he was filming these last couple days, and we hadn't seen him a whole lot. He wanted to make sure we met up one more time before he got on a flight to film in Cleveland.

He sauntered in a few minutes after I'd sat down, and grinned at me before sliding in next to me on the booth.

"What's cooking good looking?" Even though I was in a pissy mood he made me smile which I was grateful for.

"Nothing much. I got denied another job, so that's fun. How's filming going?" 

"Aw I'm sorry to here that Ellie Bell, but filming is going great. This movie is gonna be epic." I giggled at his enthusiasm.

"Well, I can't wait to watch it." He winked at me just as Allison was sliding into the other side of the booth. We talked for a while before somehow the topic came back around to me not having a job.

"You should work here with me!" It was hard to deny Allison most of the time, but I was not that desperate just yet.

"I don't know..." Sebastian began to laugh before reaching across the table and patting Allison's hand.

"In other words she's too good to be a barista." My eyes widened and I quickly began shaking my head.

"No! That's not what I said! I mean... yeah okay, I really don't want to be a barista." Allison just laughed while nodding in understanding. We talked some more before Seb snapped his fingers and looked at me.

"I got it! You come with me for a few days while we film in Cleveland and see if you like it!" My brows furrowed at the suggestion, but before I could completely nix it he touched my arm to make me look at him. "Just think about it."

"Maybe I'll just throw everything out the window and become a model." I pursed my lips to keep from laughing only to see that they were nodding in agreement. "Wait, you didn't think I was serious did you?"

"What?? Psh, no..." Seb decided not to say anything after that and quickly began taking a drink from his mug. I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed. "You could totally do it. I think you'd enjoy acting more though."

"He's right." Allison spoke up from the other side of the table. They were both looking at me very intently like they were waiting for an answer.

"I... no, I couldn't." The table suddenly became very interesting. Sebastian grabbed my hand from where it was sitting on the table and brought it to his mouth for a gentle kiss.

"Just think about it. Okay? You don't have to make a decision now." I nodded, and just like that the subject was changed. They seemingly forgot about that conversation, but it was the only one I could think about.


I woke up very tired the next morning. I had stayed awake tossing and turning most of the night because of the proposition Sebastian had made. In theory a couple of days wouldn't hurt anything. Right? I grabbed my phone and let my finger hover over his contact for a minute before clicking the call button.

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