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Eleanor's p.o.v

Chris and Seb had convinced me that games, movies, and drinks were mandatory after smashing my role the way that I did. That is how I ended up in my current position, drunk off my ass playing truth or dare with two incredibly hot men, one of which I had a major crush on.

"Your turn Ellie Bell, truth or dare?" I had yet to pick dare, my mind just sober enough to know that that was a terrible idea, especially since Seb generally ended up being the one to ask. 

"Truth." Seb groaned loudly and flopped backwards which caused me to giggle slightly. "What's your problem Sexy Seabass?"

"One, the fact that you just called me that, don't stoop to their level. Two, you haven't picked anything other than truth the entire time, it's booooring. Please pick dare." My mind toyed with the idea of living dangerously, but I knew how embarrassing drunken mistakes were and couldn't bare the thought of having yet another thing for Chris and I to forget ever happened.

"I don't know Seb, I feel like you're gonna be mean." Chris laughed at that and leaned back on his hand, taking a sip from his beer.

"You have to promise not to be mean boo bear, or she won't do it." 

"Are you making fun of me Evans?" He only smirked taking another swig from his bottle.

"And what if I am doll? What're you gonna do about it?" I'd never seen Chris act like this before, and I couldn't decide if I liked it or not. I liked that he was comfortable enough to tease me again since he hadn't really been doing that because of Minka, but this was more cocky than his other teasing was.

"You know what, fine! You want me to do a dare? I'll do a damn dare. Whatcha got for me Sebby?" Seb's face lit up with a mischievous grin, all sorts of evil thoughts going through that brain of his I'm sure. The longer he contemplated, the more nervous I got, but I was luckily saved by the ringing of someone's phone.

It took our drunk asses a lot longer to figure out whose phone was ringing than it should've, Seb barely catching the last ring by the time we pieced it together. Whoever was calling must've been important, because he immediately left the room to start talking to them. While I watched him go, Chris seemed unfazed by Seb's absence, continuing to nurse his drink. His eyes stayed locked on me for what felt like forever until I finally had had enough and cleared my throat.

"Why are you staring at me?" He smiled at a thought I presume, his eyes still trained on me.

"I'm just trying to figure you out Eleanor Rose. You are an enigma." I self consciously tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, my own gaze quickly going to the floor.

"Why would you want to figure me out? There really isn't much to figure out honestly, I'm not that hard to understand."

"Is that so?" I nodded adamantly, ready to leave this topic. "Well then, why is it that it seems every time we meet you're different? The first time we met..."

"I thought we agreed to forget about that?"

"That wasn't the first time we met doll. The first time we met was when you calmed me down from a panic attack in the middle of the street, then walked away as if it wasn't a big deal. That was such an amazing first impression that I vowed I'd find you again, but I barely had to look. By some random act of fate, you became friends with one of my coworkers, one of my friends. Then, as if by the will of God himself, Sebastian decided to bring you onto set, my set, where I bumped into you for the second time. I don't believe in coincidence doll, I believe that everything happens for a reason. And everything that has happened since the day I met you has brought us together. If that doesn't scream fate... I don't know what does."

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