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Eleanor's p.o.v

"Seb, you're never gonna believe this."

"Oh my gosh, you got the part! I'm so proud of you Ellie Bell! Were you nervous? Was it like unanimous or were there other people in the call back? Do you know who you're gonna be working with..."

"Seb! Calm down. Yes, I was very nervous and almost didn't do the audition because of it. No, it was not unanimous and there were other people in the call back. Yes, I know some of the people I'm going to be working with, but not all. Now, before you start asking even more questions, it's my turn. Do you want to have dinner with me?"

"Well, Ellie Bell I'm flattered, but I think Chris would be really disappointed."

"Really Sebby? You know what, whatever. If you wanna be that way then fine, but for your information I was going to tell you if you accepted that we will be having another person with us."

"Oh, who is it?"

"Funnily enough, it's Chris." 

"As in Chris Evans?"


"I can't come to dinner you're gonna have to go with him alone. Sorry sweetheart."

"No you're not. I'll see you later anyway, right?"

"Of course! I have to get the inside scoop on the audition. You're my girl Ellie Bell!"

"Aw, thanks Seb. You're the best. Talk to you later."

"Sounds good. Bye."

I hung up the phone and looked back at Chris who was staring off into space. I cleared my throat gently, which made him turn to look at me.

"So, Seb isn't coming, it'll just be us." I didn't realize how anxious that made me until I'd said it out loud. I was freaking out a little bit on the inside now.

"If that makes you uncomfortable we can wait until he's available." As anxious as it made me I really wanted this to happen, not to mention I was really hungry.

"No, it's fine. In all honesty I don't think Sebby is ever going to be available for dinner with us."

"Oh yeah? Why do you think that?" I'm sure I blushed crimson.

"W-well, he has this stupid idea in his head that you and I, that we would... you know what? It doesn't really matter. How about that meal? I'm starving." He gave me a funny look, but let it go anyway and began walking towards the parking lot.

"I'm sure you are, you had a long day. What are you in the mood for?"

"It doesn't matter to me, we can do whatever you want. I'm not picky." He stopped walking when we reached what I assume was his car, and turned to look at me.

"It's your celebratory meal, hell, it doesn't even have to be a meal we can do whatever you want. You deserve it." There I go blushing again. I swear the more time I spend with him, the more people are gonna think I have a naturally red skin tone. An idea popped in my head, and I almost pushed it away, but decided I'd throw it out there just to see what he said.

"Okay, so I know this sounds like a cheesy ass date, and feel free to say no, but Sully is my favorite Disney character like ever, and they just came out with the prequel for Monster's Inc. I totally get it if you think it's stupid, but I have really been wanting to go see it, and... yeah." God, he probably thought I had the mentality of a six year old now. That's just great. Why on earth did I think I should suggest that? Seb had already told me he'd go see it with me. Ugh, I'm so stupid.

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