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Eleanor's p.o.v

*Two weeks later*

Today is the day. In fifteen minutes I will walk onto a stage and get announced as the newest addition to the marvel family. They'd announced about a week ago the confirmation that they were doing a Diamondback movie, but they'd waited until now to tell everybody the part was to be played by me.

After the little freak out, the Russo brothers had assured me that, unless it has to do with drugs, public intoxication, or arrest, they don't care anything about those stupid gossip columns. It made me relax a little when they told me ninety percent of the time what they're saying isn't true anyway so I shouldn't pay it much mind.

"Ms. Connors, you're on in five so please be ready." I nodded at the stagehand, turning towards Evangeline for last minute touches on my makeup.

"Now, I know why you're all here today. Not only did you want to talk with the amazing cast of Winter Soldier, but you also wanted to meet the newest member of our Marvel family, am I right?" Everybody in the audience cheered at Anthony's words, and the sound caused butterflies of uneasiness to settle in my stomach. "Alright then, without further ado, introducing for the first time, the woman you've all been dying to meet, Eleanor Connors!"

With a deep breath, I walked up the steps and onto the stage, trying not to trip in the heels. This task was easier said than done though, because the lights very nearly blinded me when I made it up the stairs. Loud cheers were heard throughout the auditorium, so I put on my brightest smile and waved to the crowd. The longer it lasted the more my anxiety built which led me to begin searching for Chris. I finally spotted him off to the side a little bit, an open seat next to him with a little plaque that had my name on it. He gave me a reassuring smile and a thumbs up, instantly soothing my nerves a little bit.

"Why don't you go ahead and take a seat and we'll get this thing started, yeah?" I nodded my thanks, quickly going to my seat by Chris, refraining from snuggling into him like I wanted to do. His hand gripped my thigh under the table, and he rubbed his thumb in circles to keep me calm.

"You're doing great doll." He whispered to me as Joe answered some questions and talked about the movie. I squeezed the hand that was on my thigh in thanks, continuing to listen to them talk about what everyone could expect to see from Winter Soldier and the Diamondback movie.

The interview seemed to drag on for forever, the questions and comments mainly staying with the brothers and Chris. I'd started tuning it out slightly, only to find that that was a mistake. I was startled when Chris squeezed my thigh rather tightly to grab my attention, my head instantly snapping to him to find everybody looking at me expectantly.

"I-I'm so sorry, could you repeat the question please?" Chris was trying desperately to keep from laughing, knowing full well that I'd gotten bored and let my mind wonder.

"Of course, the question was what are you looking forward to most in playing your upcoming role?" I thought on it for a moment then cleared my throat to answer.

"Um, I'd have to say that just the opportunity, for one, is unlike anything else I've ever been privy to. As far as the role itself goes, I think the obvious answer is that I get to play as this very confident, kickass woman who doesn't pledge allegiance to anyone but herself, you know? I think it's just awesome to be able to crawl into her head, figure out why she's doing what she's doing. She's a complicated lady, and I like the puzzle of figuring her out." Chris smiled when I finished and Seb sent me a quick thumbs up. I assumed that I'd go back to being ignored again, but apparently my boys weren't the only ones who liked my answer.

"I have a question for Ms. Connors as well." I turned to the new voice and smiled at them, feeling a swell of happiness that people were actually interested in me. "I can't say that I recognize you from anything else, is this your first big role?"

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