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Eleanor's p.o.v

It had been a couple weeks since I got the part as Diamondback, and I was constantly going over my script. Megan and I had gotten pretty close after the auditions since she'd gotten the part of Black Mamba a.k.a Tanya Sealy. After they'd announced I had gotten the part of Rachel, they asked if Megan would be willing to try out for Tanya once they saw how well we got along naturally. Obviously she'd gotten the part, so we exchanged numbers as we were leaving and had been talking back and forth ever since.

A few days ago the Russo brothers updated me on the rest of the cast, and it was looking like a pretty kickass line up if I do say so myself. Ginnifer Goodwin was going to be playing Asp, and Jenna Dewan was playing Viper. I wasn't sure who any of the other actors/actresses were, but most of them were minor roles anyhow. 

Filming was scheduled to begin right after Winter Soldier shooting ended, and Chris had told me that it looked like they were going to be wrapping up filming here pretty soon. I'd gone to set a few times, but they'd been out of town so much it was hard to find ways to see each other. I'd really been missing Seb and Chris these last few days, especially since they'd been letting me run scenes with them to give me pointers on what I could do to make it more believable. Allison tried to help, but she was just so excited I'd gotten the part she didn't really give me anything useful to work with.

I was currently going over what films they'd already placed me in, and noticed that there were actually quite a few. The roster showed me playing a small part for an end credit scene in Winter Soldier to get people excited about my movie, a slightly bigger part in Avengers: Age of Ultron, whatever that was, and a fairly big role in Captain America: Civil War. Apparently they liked to have their shit planned out very far in advance, because I didn't even realize these movies existed and they already knew who'd be in them. I guess that was their job though.

If I wasn't mistaken, I would be going in tomorrow to shoot my small role in Winter Soldier, and Chris and Seb were coming over tonight to hang out and give me my script. I offered to pick it up, but the boys said they wanted an excuse to come see me, which I thought was really sweet. Supposedly, they'd be here anytime now with food and drinks, possibly even a movie or two.

Once I realized this, I got off my butt and began picking up the random things lying around the apartment. The only problem with living alone was that you got used to just being you. For example, I walk around without pants on all the time, and had to train myself not to do that when Seb is over because it's really awkward. I also have a tendency to just drape clothing all over my room, which isn't a big deal until the guy you're low key crushing on asks if he can borrow your charger and walks into your room only to get a face full of bras and underwear all over the place. As time went on I got better and better about it, but I still occasionally forgot to pick up before they came over. 

Just as I was throwing the last item of clothing into the wash I heard my door slam open followed by harsh 'whispers'.

"Sebastian! Don't you think you should've knocked? What if she's napping or..."


"Shut up!" Chris always freaked out when Seb barged in unannounced. I found it rather endearing actually.

"It's fine Chris, I told him he could make himself at home here and he does. The same goes for you." Chris started blushing when he realized that I'd heard their brief conversation, and it took all my willpower not to 'awe' at him. He was just so damn cute sometimes!

The boys set the pizza they'd picked up on the table in my living room, and plopped onto my couch. Seb kicked his shoes off, practically flinging them across the room, while Chris carefully set his to the side. I honestly adored the difference between the two of them, and had been learning that there were probably more than I could count. I was about to sit in the recliner when I felt hands grab my waist and pull me into their lap. I turned to see Seb giving me a goofy grin, before burying his face in my neck.

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