chap 4

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Warning gore-ish stuff ahead

Jungkook's heart pounded like drums in his chest, his breathing unsteady and shallow. All of his thoughts scattered, yet jumbled at the same time.

Only one word in his mind managed to stand out amongst all others as his eyes locked onto the rogue alpha's bleeding form, 'Taehyung' He had to get to Taehyung.

Jolted into motion, Jungkook slowly pushed his body off of the ground, whimpering from the pain that emanated from his injured side, his leg faltering below him as it failed to bear his weight.

The rogue, alerted by the noise, turned quickly to see Jungkook standing yet again, his appearance menacing despite the obvious tremors that ran through his body.

Jungkook couldn't comprehend the look of shock that overtook the alpha's features as the rogue snarled at him.

Jungkook had been shot by a silver bullet, there should have been no fight left in his body, he should've been dead.

Fighting waves of nausea as he breathed in the cold air, Jungkook crouched low to the floor, steadying himself, ready to pounce on the Alpha.

Despite the pain in his side growing with every second, Jungkook growled deeply in warning, attempting to steer him away from the cabin as he began to circle the alpha shakily.

The Alpha in question had no intention to back down, he just watched Jungkook intently, eyes falling to his wounded hind leg.

Letting out a fierce growl of his own, the Alpha bared his teeth and lunged. Jungkook felt the teeth digging into him before he could register the Alpha's movement, blood loss taking it's toll on his body, and leaving his limbs weak.

His vision blurring as he weakly fought back.

A small noise from inside the cabin caught the attention of the two alphas. Little whines escaped the confines of the nearby cabin, the sad sound accompanied by the ever increasing scent of fear emanating from the distressed omega within.

Those fearful sounds were all Jungkook needed to clear away the haze that had wrapped itself around his mind.

Icy dread encasing his heart as his jaws snapped wildly at the Alpha, his muscles rolling beneath his skin as he tried desperately to be released from his hold.

In his struggle, the Alpha only dug his claws further into Jungkook, regaining the leverage he'd nearly lost.

Growling deep in his cheat, the rogue began to tug his maw back, ripping a yelp from Jungkook's muzzle as he felt his skin begin to tear; flesh separating from muscle in jagged motions.

Panting with effort and pain, Jungkook struggled with all of his might, trying desperately to get his paws against anything of substance.

The moment he managed to get his claws leveraged between the unmistakable jut of ribs, Jungkook dug his claws in as deep as he could, allowing his paws to become soaked in warmth as he raked them down with every once of strength he had.

Jungkook felt as the soft flesh under his paw gave way, and crimson warmth poured onto his body, the rogue alpha's blood gushing out in waves.

With a hair raising screech, the Alpha fell to the ground, scrambling away as his side bled profusely, ribs exposed as he heaved in sharp breaths of pain.

The ground wet with blood, Jungkook struggled to lift himself to his feet, still snarling at the Alpha as he determinedly limped his way over to the cabin, his lungs releasing strangled sounds as he stood protectively before it.

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