Chapter 2: Tsunade-sama

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Sakura woke up from her sleep. She sat down on her bed and was looking around because she notice something... odd. She looked for her grandma to ask where they were.

Sakura found her grandmother sitting on the dining table with a man wearing a mask who was cooking them breakfast. 'Did we get kidnapped!?' Was the first thing Sakura thought.

"Sakura~! Your awake~!" The grandmother said with a sweet smile. Sakura ran towards her grandmother and looked at the man cooking. Sakura observed his features.

'Dark hair, white skin... is wearing black pants and a black polo shirt and... is he... wearing a mask?" That's what Sakura observed. The grandma smiles at Sakura.

"Sakura." The grandma said to get her granddaughter's attention to her. Sakura looks at her grandma in curiousity about the man who is now serving their breakfast.

"His name is Reiji Haruno." The grandma said and Sakura understood but, not quite sure on what to call the man. "He is your, cousin." The grandma said and Sakura nods.

"Reiji, meet Sakura-chan." The grandma said and Sakura and Reiji looks at each other awkwardly and Sakura bows her head. "Nwice to meet you, nii-san." Sakura said politely.

"Go ahead Reiji, talk to her." The grandma encourages him and Reiji. "Good morning, Sakura-chan. I hope you will like cooking." Reiji said as softly as he can for Sakura.

Sakura smiles at Reiji. "I will, Reiji-nii-san~!" Sakura said sweetly and Reiji smiles at her behind his mask. They sat down ate together. They talk to each other as they ate.

Once they finished eating, Sakura remembered something. "I fowgot to ask you gwandma." Sakura said and her grandma smiles at her. "What is it, Sakura-dear~?" She said very sweetly to Sakura.

"Why awe we here? This doesn't look like your house, gwandma?" Sakura asked filled with curiousity and confusion. The grandma faked a sad expression and she succeeded on showing it.

Sakura saw her grandmother's expression and felt kinda uneasy. "M-my house caught a fire because someone was planning to kill you." The grandma lied as her voice trembled on her last sentence.

"W-why do thwose people.. wanted to kill me?" Sakura asked innocently, believing to her grandma's lies. "I-i don't k-know, Sakura-chan." Rhe grandma said with a slight tremble on her voice.

Sakura looked down in sadness and fear. "That's why we are here to hide you from those killers who are trying to kill you." The grandma said and Sakura kept on believing every word her
grandma said.

"That's.. so kwind of you fow doing all this for me, gwandma." Sakura said with gratitude on her sweet voice. "Anything for you, Sakura-chan." The grandma said with a wicked smile.

Sakura saw that smile as a sweet and kind one. "But..." Sakura hesitantly said which catches her grandma's attention. "You can tell me anything, Sakura-chan." The grandma said with a sickly gentle smile.

"What about my pawents?" Sakura asked with a saddened tone. "They know your here and they wanted you to stay. So that, you will never get killed." The grandma lied and Sakura believed her.

"I-i s-see." Sakura said and the grandma hugged Sakura. "Why don't you go and take a bath, Sakyra-chan?" The grandma said and Sakura agreed as she quickly ran to the bathroom.

The grandma was alone in the living room with a content smile on her face. "You still need to train her." A man's voice said catching the grandma's attention to him.

"I know that, Reiji." The grandma said with a serious tone. "I need to let her be strong for the future if i'm gone." The grandma said and Reiji stayed quiet. "I will have to teach her everything i learned." The grandma said with a hint of determination.

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