Chapter 14: Like a Couple

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When Sakura finishes reading the books bought for her, she tested them and was successful. She spent 4 hours of her free days at home. After those days past, she got ready for the evaluation for tomorrow.

Sakura wanted to breath in fresh air, to have some peace of mind. She didn't want to mess anything up and she wanted to succeed. So, she decided to catch some fresh air near by the lake.

It was a beautiful lake and the sky was clear. The water was glistening by the sun's light and the water was clear and clean, the trees were a nice view and the sky was blue and the sun shown ever so brightly with clouds scattered above the peaceful blue sky.

Feeling the fresh breeze, Sakura didn't know someone was watching from afar. The person thought that Sakura can't be able to sense him from a distance, but the person thought wrong.

Sakura could feel the chakra from that person and she just stood there, waiting for the person to move. She breath in when she heard calm footsteps walking towards her.

Sakura didn't move away and she just close her eyes and let her long, pink hair flow with the breeze. She heard that person shuffling and assumed that the person was doing something.

Sakura heard more, not so disturbing, noises from that person. She was surprised of how she was so comfortable standing there in silence with another person.

Sakura was so curious about who was the person she's with. She turned around and saw someone that has pale skin, black eyes and his appearance were similar to Sasuke.

The boy wasn't looking at her because he was drawing something. Sakura was a curious little flower and wanted to know what the person was drawing, since she liked doing some artsy stuff also.

Sakura saw how peaceful the boy was and he looked so harmless to her. She decided to approach the boy slowly and quietly to not disturb him, and when she does, the boy heard her movements and looked up to be met by an angel smiling.

The boy blinked while staring at Sakura with a smile on her face. The boy soon lowers his head back to his drawing and continued to draw. "Can I see your drawings?" Sakura asked politely with hopefull and sparkling eyes.

The boy couldn't just say 'no' to her with a face full of curiousity and hopefullness. "Sure...but it's not quite finished." The boy said and puts down his pen on the grass, placing it next to him.

Sakura took a hold of the drawing the boy did and was super impressed. Her eyes were filled with admiration and respect. The boy was quietly watching her reactions on his drawing and was satisfied by the outcome.

"Your really amazing~!!!" Sakura couldn't help but say it out loud and the boy smiles. The drawing was about the lake, the sky and the trees from around, it's like the drawing was  a picture.

"I don't see anything out of place and it's so stunning~!" Sakura was so impressed that she didn't realise she was now flattering the boy.

After Sakura calmed down, she gave the drawing back to the boy and sat beside him with her knees folded up. "I didn't know your name yet, i'm Sakura Haruno. You can call me Sakura." She said with a smile.

"... My name's Sai, Nice to meet you." He said with a slight tint of blushing on his face. The two sat there peacefully and comfortably. They enjoyed each others' presence as the cool breeze made them feel more relaxed. They didn't say anything to each other, but they don't feel awkward.

All the peacefullness and relaxed atmosphere took over them and they both didn't realized, they had fallen alseep, side by side under a tree with Sai's head placed ontop of Sakura's head and Sakura's head was leaning down on his shoulder.

The two of them looked so peaceful and in some others perspective would think that they are a sweet-young couple, or a lovey-dovey couple. Even though, they just became friends 2 hours ago, they look like a couple with a big future.

|| 30 minutes later ||

A man with a wolf mask was running from branch to branch to head home from a mission. He was feeling tired and was also excited for tomorrow, because of a certain cherry blossom.

He was nearing the exit of the forest and landed on the grassy field with a lake so big and clean. He took off his mask to breath in fresh air. His eyes were roaming around the area, wanting to enjoy the  beautiful view.

He saw something familiar, but he couldn't identify it since he was far from what he saw and what he saw was located across the lake from where he stood. He thought that he was seeing things and brushed it off.

"I must be so tired that I started seeing things? Get it together, Itachi." He scold himself and shakes his head. "I'll investigate if I am really seeing things or it's just there but far away." As soon as he said that, he started running straight towards it.

He even ran across the water in such a fast pace. Once he can finally see what he saw, he was glad that he wasn't seeing things, but he was furious for seeing it.

Sakura and Sai, sleeping together looking so peaceful and comfortable, that you can't help but be in 'aww'. But for Itachi, that was the most horrible image he had ever seen in his whole damn life.

The love of his life was with another man! He was in shock. He was confused of his reactions and feeling towards the two in front of him. He had not felt so furious before because of someone other than his family or relatives.

He calmed himself down and slowly, yet quietly walks to them. Itachi removes Sakura from Sai so swiftly that none of the two sleepy heads woke up. Sakura was now carried bridal style by Itachi and somehow, his tiredness disappears.

The negative feelings that filled him before, disappears as Sakura was smiling in her sleep and in his arms. Itachi carried Sakura home and her father was home.

Kizashi was happy that Itachi brought her home safely. Itachi said goodbye to the sleeping Sakura and Kizashi as he head home. He had a satisfied smile on his face and only he knows about the forehead kiss he gave to Sakura.


My new story "Handa-kun" is now published. Please check it out and read it.

Thank you for everyone supporting me and thank you for reading my story, i hope you enjoyed it~!!!

I'm terribly sorry for the delay and i hope i can make it up with this story.

Please comment and i'm happy to be your friend (if you want me too.)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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