Chapter 3: War Ended

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If you have any questions regarding the story your free to ask me and if those questions are for me, i'll consider answering them if i wanted to.

|| 6 years later ||

Sakura was now 16 years old. She has no idea what was happening outside and didn't even know that people out there are preparing for war. Sakura was just taking care of her grandma.

Sakura stops herself from wanting to know what's going on outside but, she can't. Reiji kept on training her and her grandma kept on teaching her how to cook, clean properly, acting and speeches.

Sakura didn't question her grandma about it and just obeyed her gradmother. Her grandma teaches her things that the academy teaches and Reiji helped out on that.

Sakura was just lying down on her bed looking at the baby blue colored ceiling in her bedroom. She heard a knock at the door. Her grandma was at the backyard and Reiji still did not arrive yet.

Sakura thought that it would be Reiji, but when she opens it, she saw another handsome male which could rival the Uchiha's. He has natural scarlet colored hair and navy blue eyes.

Sakura was taken aback by this person's sudden appearance on her doorstep, but she soon composed herself. "How may i help you?" Sakura said unconsciously sweet. The guy was a little bit taller than her.

"Are you... Sakura Haruno?" The guy said with his deep and honey-like voice. Sakura nods her head. "Yes, i am. And you are..?" Sakura said at the guy, wanting to know his name.

"My name is Ayato Haruno." Ayato said and Sakura was a little bit surprised at this. "Are you siblings with Reiji-nii-san?" Sakura asked out of curiousity.

"I'm one of his and you're cousin." Ayato said and Sakura understood. They soon heard footsteps coming their way and when they turned they saw their grandmother.

"Ayato, it's nice to see you again." The grandma said and Ayato bowed down to the grandma. "It's nice to see you too." Ayato said politely. The grandma turned to Sakura.

"He will be helping out on your training sessions, Sakura-chan." The grandma said and Sakura nods at her grandma. "He is 17 years old which makes him 1 year older than you." The grandma said with a smile.

They started to train 4 days a week and 4-7 hours a day. Sakura and Ayato became close, just like how Sakura and Reiji became close. Sakura and Ayato would sometimes cook and bake together.

When they finished training, Ayato would sleep on the couch with his head on Sakura's lap, which makes them look like a married couple. The grandma would say to them 'No flirting.'

Sakura, Ayato and Reiji loves to train with Sakura and they all get along so well. The two boys would sometimes ask Sakura who would be the best between the two.

Ayato is a skillful ninja just like Reiji. He is really smart and clever. Ayato and Reiji loves their grandma like how Sakura loves her. They also really love Sakura more than their grandma.

Sakura and her grandma are inside the house. The grandma was brushing Sakura's hair. It had been 2 months since she last saw Tsunade and had trained her. She even was starting to get to know Tsunade too.

The grandma notices a frown on Sakura's face. "Is something the matter, Sakura-chan?" The grandma adked eagerly but did not show it. The grandma asked Sakura while finishing on tying Sakura's hair.

(Sakura's hair is this⬇ but not the impression)

(Sakura's hair is this⬇ but not the impression)

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