Chapter 9: An Angel

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Sakura woke up to the sound of her alarm. She got up and stretches her arms before going inside her bathroom to shower.

Sakura didn't expect for her to be friends with the children of clans. Sakura turned a blind eye to it when she met a Nara and Hyuga because she just wanted to make friends.

And Sakura just realized this today. As Sakura exits the bathroom, she changes into an outfit, to meet with Shikamaru and play shogi again at the park.

(Her clothes⬇)

Sakura went downstairs and saw her father in the kitchen, that was located at the end of the small hallway from the stairs, where Sakura came down from

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Sakura went downstairs and saw her father in the kitchen, that was located at the end of the small hallway from the stairs, where Sakura came down from.

The kitchen and the living room are in the same place. Sakura went to the kitchen with a smile. Kizashi notices his daughter's appearance and gave her a smile.

Kizashi was reading a newspaper and was drinking coffee. Kizashi saw Sakura's clothing and was curious for the reason to wear such a beautiful dress.

"Good morning, sweety." Kizashi greeted his daughter with a smile and a pet name. Sakura greeted her father back and Kizashi just wanted to ask.

"Where are you going, Sweety?" Kizashi asked in curiousity and addresses Sakura with a pet name. Sakura smiles at her father as she made a sandwhich.

"I'm just going out with a friend." Sakura responded with a sweet smile placing on her face. Kizashi was getting wary and his overprotectiveness are blooming.

"Who is this... friend of yours?" Kizashi asked with one eyebrow cocked as he takes a sip of his coffee while narrowing his eyes at her precious daughter.

"His name is.." Kizashi narrows his eyes again at the word "He". "Shikamaru Nara." Sakura smiles at her father and took a bite of her sandwhich.

"You are not going out." Sakura was surprised of what her father just said with a stern voice. Sakura looks at her father with a questioning look.

Sakura swallows up the food in her mouth and asked with one eyebrow up. "What do you mean, papa?" Sakura was confused at the look of her father's serious face.

Kizashi took a deep breath and exhales deeply. "I WILL NOT LET SUCH A JERK OF A MAN TO TAKE MY DAUGHTER AWAY FROM HER FAMILY ESPECIALLY FROM ME-!!!" Kizashi was cut off from a whack at the head by his wife.

Sakura sweatdrops at her parents. "Will you shut your mouth!" Sakura watches as her mother scolds her father while eating her sandwhich.

"B-b-b-bu-but. . . " Was the only thing Kizashi could say while cowering from the aura his wife was emitting, that even Sakura was shivering while eating her food.

Mebuki sigh. "Just let her make friends and build friendship with other." Mebuki said to Kizashi, who was hiding behind the chair he was sitting on earlier.

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