Chapter 6: Sakura's parents

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Ayato held Sakura tightly. The both of them were crying their eyes out, but Sakura was sobbing and Ayato was silently crying while trying to calm sakura down.

In just a few minutes of crying, Sakura finally calmed down. It was already getting dark. Ayato went to grab some tissues. They heard a knock on the door. Sakura was the closest one to reach the door.

Sakura opens the door and Reiji was there. Reiji has bloodshot eyes, probably because of so much crying. Sakura hugs Reiji and the two of the cries silently.

They made their way to the couch to sit down. Ayato came in with two tissue boxes. The three of them were quiet. It was so silent but, it didn't feel awkward.

"Sakura, theres something I- we need to tell you." Reiji said and Ayato looks at him with an unreadable expression. Sakura listens to what Reiji has to say.

"I'm listening." Sakura said, her voice was hoarse. "When grandma said that killers are after you, do you still remember she said that?" Reiji said and the three of them didn't look at each other, but they were looking down.

"Yes, i remember." Sakura said, not looking at anything else but the floor. "It was all a lie." Reiji said dryly and Sakura didn't flinch. Reiji and Ayato looks at Sakura who was sitting in between them.

They saw Sakura just looking down at the ground. "I know." With just those words that Sakura said simply and emotionlessly, surprised them.

Ayato and Reiji sits up straight and looks at Sakura, shocked expressions on their faces. "You're more smarter than I ever expected." Reiji said getting over his shock.

"But, how did you know?" Ayato asked still a little bit shocked. "When i was 7. I already figured that grandma was lying all along." Sakura said still not lifting her head up.

"How?" Ayato asked again. "When grandma was talking with Reiji on the phone." Sakura said with her glassy eyes. "Why didn't you said anything-" Ayato was cut off by Sakura.

"It's because I love and care about grandma." Sakura said and no more questions are needed to be asked but, except one. "What now?" Sakura asked with a sigh.

"You go back to your parents and live with them." Reiji said and with that sentence made Sakura and Ayato flinch. "Yes, Reiji-nii-san." Sakura said sadly.

"We're leaving this place tomorrow and prepare for grandma's funeral." Reiji said said before standing up. "Go to bed because we need to wake up early." Reiji said while walking to his room inside the house.

Sakura and Ayato decided to go to their rooms to rest. Sakura was so sleepy after crying her eyes out. So, she took a shower and when she was finished, she went to bed.

|| The Next day ||

Sakura woke up early since she fell asleep early last night. She looked at the clock with her blurry vision and the time was 5:13 a.m. in the morning.

Sakura decided to take a bath and wore something a little bit special since she's going to see her parents again after 13 long years of disappearnace.

(This is what Sakura wore⬇ and she wore her pink sandals.)


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