Chapter 4: A Thank you kiss

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Sakura woke up from her alarm clock. It was 7 o'clock in the morning and when she gor to the kitchen, she saw Ayato cooking pancakes. She looked around to see where her grandma is.

When Sakura didn't spot her grandma she landed her gaze on Ayato. "Good morning, Ayato." Sakura said a little bit drowsy. "Good morning, Sakura-chan." Ayato gives her a warm and charming smile.

Sakura immediately smiles back. 'Why are his smiles are always contagious!?' Sakura exclaimed in her head. "Where is grandma?" Sakura asked as he went towards where Ayato was making pancakes.

Ayato was silent for a few minutes. "She had a. . . . mini heart attack." Ayato said with a sad tone in his voice. He served the both of them pancakes. Sakura who was frozen after hearing that, had her eyes wide open.

Sakura tries to calm down as she sat down on the dining table. Ayato sat infront kf her with a gloomy expression. The two of them sat their in silence.

"Eat up, Sakura-chan." Ayato said as he takes a bite at the pancake he made. Sakura looks at the pancake infront of her and takes a bite.

"You should eat more. You don't want to worry grandma when she sees you skinny, right?" Ayato said with a small sad smile and Sakura, who dosen't want her grandma to be worried of her, ate her pancakes.

"Don't worry too much, Sakura. Our grandma is a strong woman." Ayato said with a sincere smile and Sakura can't help but smile back. "You're right." Sakura said with a more happy tone.

Sakura was doing the dishes and Ayato was packing something. "What are you doing, Ayato-nii-san?" Sakura asked with a questioning look. "I'm just going to deliver these bentos to grandma and Reiji-nii-san in the hospital." Ayato said with a gentle smile.

"Need any help?" Sakura asked, wanting to be of help to her grandma and Ayato notices this. "Can you wrap them up for me while i change my clothes?" Ayato said with his charming voice and tone that will melt any gurls heary.

"Of course! Leave it to!" Sakura said eagerly and wraps the bentos into a big cloth. "Done~!" Sakura announced happily. Ayato walked back inside the kitchen and Sakura gave the bentos to Ayato.

"Do not go outside while no one else is with you, okay?" Ayato said as his overprotective mode kicked in. "Yes, nii-san." Sakura said and is actually done with Ayato's proctiveness.

Ayato finally left to deliver the bentos. Sakura walked back inside the kitchen to see two tumbler bottles on the kitchen counter. 'Ayato must've forgotten.' Sakura said in her mind as she looks at the tumbler bottles.

'I can maybe catch up to Ayato-nii and give these to him.' Sakura said in her mind and she grabbed the tumblers and ran outside the house to maybe catch up to Ayato.

She didn't know that she was now far away from her grandma's house. When Sakura stopped to breath in air, she noticed that she was on a street and some people are walking around.

Sakura aren't really good with other people that she isn't familiar with and so, she got sad, worried and lost. She kept on finding her cousin or the hospital but, has no clue where.

Sakura is also shy to speak to strangers and would not make any eye contact with them. When she walks a little bit more, she could feel that people are all staring at her. Sakura was freaking out in the inside.

Sakura thought that they were looking because of her unusual hair color or that they thought she was an outsider since they haven't seen her before. But, they were all staring because of Sakura's incomparable beauty.

When they look at Sakura, they would turn red. Sakura was so embarrassed and she felt small. Sakura kept on looking down to avoid eye contact. She kept walking like that until-

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