Chapter 11: Tomatoes

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Sakura was looking around, trying to find what she was finding for. Sakura then turns her head and saw what she was looking for and started to fast walk towards it.

Sakura looks at the owner. "How much for these tomatoes?" Sakura asked and the owner gave her the price and she started to pick some.

Sakura suddenly let one tomato slip from her hand. Sakura tries to grab it, but another person's hand grabbed the tomato first. Sakura looks up to see the same onyx eyes as she had saw a few minutes ago.

The person stretches his hand with the one holding the tomato towards Sakura. "Here." The teen said and Sakura took it and smiles at him. "Thank you." Sakura's voice sounded like an angel which made the teen blushed from the sound.

Sakura bows her head to the teen ad turned away from him. The teen somehow didn't want to let her go just yet and he wanted to spend more time. He didn't know that Sakura was already buying tomatoes while he was in deep though

The teen was snapped back to reality when Sakura pushes a grocery bag filled with a dozen of tomatoes. The teen was surprised that she would do this and was confused also.

Sakura notices the confused expression the teen was making. She gives a small, yet sweet smile towards the teen. "I noticed how you look at the tomato." Sakura said that answers the teen's question.

The teen knows that he has this little spark in his eyes when tomatoes were involved. But the only ones that notices the spark would be the teen's relatives only.

"My name is Sakura Haruno, by the way and please take this as a thank you." Sakura said as she bows her head. The teen was puzzled. The teen didn't think of anything he did to make the girl thank him.

The teen was thinking that giving him a bag full of tomatoes were too much for him for just having to pick up a tomato from the ground for her, or was it a move to make him like her.

Sakura reads the teen just like an open book. "I want to give you this and wanted to be friends." Sakura said as she gives the bag of tomatoes to him. When the teen took it Sakura smiles.

The teen was hesitating to say something and Sakura notices this and waited. "Sasuke Uchiha." He said and Sakura smiles at him. "It's nice to meet you, Sasuke." Sakura bows and thought that she needs to go.

Sasuke on the other hand, was thinking that Sakura just wanted him to be his lover or maybe she just wanted him for his looks. (Sakura has two insanely handsome cousins.)

He thought that she wanted him for fame and money. (Sakura likes to lay low and have a normal life.) He thought that she wanted him for his name. (Sakura didn't know the Hyuga, Uchiha nor other clan's names were.)

As Sasuke was in thought, Sakura decided to go home. "It's nice meeting you," Those words made Sasuke stopped from thinking and looks at the beautiful girl infront of him.

Sakura continues saying his goodbye. "But, I have to go now." She said and she bows her head. She was too polite to other people. She then walked away from him while giving small waves at him.

Sasuke was surprised that she would just leave like that, since other women don't leave him alone. They would even force themselves to be his wife.

And that's why Sasuke and Itachi nor any of the Uchihas doesn't really go out of their house. Sasuke was feeling sad since the pinkette was leaving so soon. It was the first time a woman made him sad for leaving him except his mother.

Sasuke even thought that it was fine for the pinkette to cling onto him. He looks at the bag full of tomatoes and smiles. He decided to go home. He wished that they would meet again someday.

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