Chapter 8: Friends

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Sakura was just walking around and letting her long hair flow as the wind came to her. She was just looking at the Cherry Blossoms and in one tree, there was someone.

Sakura slowly walks towards him and saw he was alone with a shogi board infront of him. The teen also seemed to be the same age as her.

Sakura was just looking at him and was looking at what he's doing. "Can i help you?" The teen said with a lazy and bored tone. The teen did not look at Sakura, but still felt her chakra.

"S-sorry for looking at you like a creep." Sakura said with a flushed face. Once the teen heard her voice, he thought it was so sweet and soft, like an angel's voice.

The teen looked at her with her flushed face. The teen slowly widens his eyes at Sakura's beauty. The teen then composed his expression to his usual bored expression.

"Don't worry, you don't look like creep at all." The teen said as he turns back to his shogi board. He never saw Sakura before and he thought that her pink hair was so unique.

"Th-thank.. you." Sakura said with a shy, flushed face and was looking at her feet. She then looks at the teen and muster up the courage to ask.

"M-may i know your name?" Sakura asked with a flushed face. Sakura was the innocent type, so her flushed face was an example of how innocent she is.

"The names Shikamaru Nara. You can call me Shikamaru. And you?" Shikamaru asked Sakura without glancing at her, but moves a piece from his board.

"My names Sakura Haruno. You can call me Sakura." Sakura said with a mezmerising smile which Shikamaru blushed at, but decided to hide by moving pieces from his board.

Sakura then proceeded to sit down at the other side of the shogi board from the bench. Sakura knows how to play, since her grandma and Reiji taught her how to play and plan how to win.

Sakura always won against Ayato. Sakura would have difficulties on playing shogi with her grandma and Reiji. Sakura started playing when she was 7 and now that she was 16, she is now amazing at playing shogi.

Before Sakura could ask to play with him, but he beat her to it and said. "Do you know how to play?" Shikamaru asked as he was now arranging the pieces on the board.

Sakura smiles. "Of course." Sakura said as both Sakura and Shikamaru played shogi fiercely but calmly in other's perspective.

|| With Lady Tsunade ||

Tsunade waits for what the two males are going to say to her. "We would like you to, to please tell Konoha 12 about Sakura." Reiji finally let out.

Tsunade hums as a sign that she listened to what Reiji had said. "Okay then, I will." Tsunade said as she closes her eyes for a moment.

"I want you to tell about her childhood, what you know about her and your relationship with her." Ayato said with seriousness.

Shizune, standing in a corner, looked confused at them, but she knows that this is a serious matter right now when you look at them.

"Shizune." Tsunade called out, making Shizune step out of his confused mind and look at the Hokage. "Y-yes, Lady Tsunade?"

"Will you please step out for a moment." Tsunade said and Shizune hesitantly left. Once they heard the door closing, things began to get serious again.

|| With Sakura ||

The sky was now in orange color, indicating it's going to get dark soon. In a bench under a Cherry Blossom was two people almost finish on playing shogi.

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