Chapter 12: Bugs

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After cooking for dinner, Sakura was able to have a family dinner once again. After finishing up doing her chores, she went to bed with her adorable pink pajamas.

|| The Next Day ||

Sakura woke up while rubbing her eyes. She sits up from her bed and stretches her arms, back and legs. She stood up and looks at the time. It was 6 in the early morning.

Sakura decided to clean the house and water the plants outside their backyard. She proceeded to walk down the stairs and grabbed a broom, then sweeps the floor while humming gently.

After that, She began to mop the floor. In the middle of her cleaning, a knock on the door was heard. Sakura lets the mop lean on the wall, close to the shelf.

Sakura puts her hand on the door knob and opens it, to see no one was there. Before Sakura could start closing the door, A flicker of Black came swiftly in and landed infront of Sakura, who was surprised.

"W-where did you come from!?" Sakura said with a surprised face. When she recognizes the person's features, she sigh and smiles.

"May I ask, what you're doing here, Itachi?" Sakura asked the handsome man infront of him. "I'm here to inform you that the Hokage wanted me to tell you about something."

As Itachi finished speaking, Sakura opens the door wide. "Why don't you come in?" Sakura politely asked and moves from the side to let Itachi enter. Itachi gave a smile at Sakura.

They sat down on the couch and Itachi told Sakura the reason. Sakura didn't hesitate to agree with the 3 month training and she really wanted to go on missions.

Itachi has to inform Sakura's parents if they agree. Once Itachi told Mebuki and Kizashi, they hesitantly agreed and supported Sakura. When Itachi was about to go, he took Sakura's hand and kissed it, tenderly.

Itachi then left and Sakura was a blushing mess. He was smiling like an idiot when he kissed her hand. Itachi didn't know that someone was spying on him.

When Itachi went home, he was reminded of Sakura, greeting him as they live together on the same house. Just then, Itachi didn't  know a mischevious shadow was behind him.

"You seem happy, Itachi." The man from behind Itachi said. Itachi was surprised and he tried to  punch him, but the guy dodged. When Itachi saw who it was he groans in annoyance.

"Shisui." Itachi said with irritation. Shisui just smiles at him and look at him with a smirk. "You seem to be happy after seeing the beautiful pinkette earlier." Shisui said with a mischevious grin.

"H-how did you-" Before Itachi could finish, he suddenly lools at Shisui, suspiciously. "Were you spying?" Itachi narrows his eyes at Shisui.

Shisui smiles. "Yup." Shisui simply said. "I was surprised you have feelings for someone." Shisui said and pats his shoulder. "Be sure to be a great competition for me." Shisui misteriously said.

Itachi was confused by what Shisui meant by that. He didn't know that Shisui already met her before. It happened before Shikamaru and Sakura became friends.

|| Flashback ||

Sakura was walking up the stairs to her room. She was carrying her books to her room. Reiji and Ayato already left since they've got missions to do.

When Sakura finished carrying her book, she went out to carry her other things that had been left outside. She was about to carry 5 big boxes that are full of weapons, clothes and books.

Sakura could carry them alone, but they were big and it would be hard to balance all five of them. And Shisui was passing by and saw Sakura was piling up 5 boxes.

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