Party Pooper: Part 1

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(A/N) There is mentions of minors using drugs and alcohol in this chapter. Please read with caution.

"Be home before 11," my father said as he kissed my cheek. "Call me if you get into trouble."

"It's a birthday party. How much trouble can it be?"

He chuckled. "Get out of here so you're not late."

"Bye dad!" I called out with a smile as I walked down the street. I hailed a taxi, which took me to a suburban area. We could hear the music pumping from all the way down the street. I wondered how the neighbors were okay with it, but decided to brush off the thoughts.

I got out, paying the taxi driver, then walking into the house, as the door was wide open. I sighed, saddened that Peter couldn't come with me. As I walked in, I immediately smelled something of a skunk smell. I crunched my nose, but decided to deal with it seeing as it wasn't too terribly strong.

I walked through the house to find Miranda, the girl who was throwing the party. As I walked through, I looked around. I caught sight of minors drinking, smoking cigarettes, and smoking something else that looked like longer, skinnier cigarettes. I hated it and tried to avoid as much second hand smoke as possible. That's when I walked into the kitchen, finding Miranda talking to some boys. She was definitely tipsy, and could barely stay steady in her heels. I set the present on a table, watching.

I knew I needed to call somebody. I pulled out my phone, but some guys came up to me. They weren't drunk, but we're definitely high on something. They were smoking the skinny cigarettes and as they got close, it smelled more and more of skunk, among other things.

"Who you callin' baby girl?"

I tried to escape them so I could call someone, but they boxed me in. I couldn't tell who it was, as it was dark in the house.

"Where you going? The party has just started!" The three men laughed, then got closer to me, almost right against me. I quickly ducked down and dove between their legs, running for my life through the thick crowd of people.

I lost them, but ended up further from the door. I looked around for a back door, but couldn't locate one through the thick crowd. I tried to make my way through to the front, but that's when someone offered me one of the skinny cigarettes. I took it, examining it. I didn't know what it was, but I figured it couldn't have been good. I heard someone beside me. "Yo, if you're not gonna smoke it, then pass it!"

I looked to them, then back down to the skinny cigarette in my hand. Then, I dropped it to my feet, stomping it out.

"Hey, man, what's your deal?!" The man beside me said drunkenly.

He grabbed me by my shirt, but I flipped him over my shoulder and onto the ground. "What's your deal?!" I asked. "Why are you guys ruining yourselves like this?"

The man on the ground groaned, but I just ran toward the front door as a few more chased after me. Once I was free of the house, I bolted down the street. My cloak shifted into its original form, using speed to help me put a gap between the men and me. I immediately pulled out my phone as the men gave up, walking back into the party. My cloak shifted into a sweatshirt as I dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Hi," I said shakily. "Yes, I'd like to report a loud disturbance in the neighborhood. It's a party, and I don't know if anyone else has reported it for that. But there's people in there who are underage, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. They're also smoking these skinny cigarettes that smell like skunk, among other things."

"Alright, I'll dispatch a unit right away, what's the address?"

I gave her the address of Miranda's house.

"Miss, what's your name?"

"Katelyn," I replied. "Katelyn Strange."

"And how old are you?"

"I'm fifteen."

"Were you at the party?"

"Yes, it was supposed to be a birthday party. When I tried to leave, some men threatened me, but I got out fine. I'm standing a ways down the street now, they're not chasing me anymore."

"Alright, stay where you are and wait for an officer."

I heard sirens coming down the street. "Yes, ma'am," I replied. "I can hear them now."

"Alright, are you comfortable with hanging up, or do you want to stay on the phone with me?"

I saw their lights flashing. "I think I'm comfortable, the officer is coming up now. Thank you," I said.

"Okay, hang up whenever you like."

I pulled my phone from my ear, then pressed the end button. As the police unit came closer, I flagged him down. He pulled over beside me. "What's the trouble, miss?"

"Hello, officer," I replied. "I'm the one who reported the party. There's people drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and smoking this other stuff. I don't know what it was, but it was skinnier and longer than a cigarette."

"Did it smell like skunk?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "What is it?"

"Sounds like marijuana," he replied. "Did you smoke any?"

"Not directly, but maybe secondhand."

"I see."

"Sir, there's a lot of people in there. I could barely get back to the door."

"You said one threatened you?"

"Yes, multiple did. I don't know what their true intentions were, but I got out of there before I could find out."

"Alright, would you like to call a parent or guardian to pick you up? I will need you to fill out a police report before you leave."

"Yes, sir. I'll call my dad."

"Good, why don't you sit in here so you're out of the elements," he said, then addressed his radio. "Officer Mercado, requesting backup at my location."

I sighed, getting in the passenger side of his car, pulling out my phone in the process. I clicked on my dad's number and put it my ear.

Ring... "Kate, what's the matter?"

"Can you come pick me up?" I asked. "I'll explain later."

"Sure, I'm on my way," he said, hanging up.

I hung up as well, then looked to the officer. "I'm sorry for causing you any trouble."

"No, you've done the right thing. You'll protect a lot of kids tonight."

I nodded bit, knowing if this got around school, I would not be popular. That's when a few police cars pulled up around us, circling the house. I heard lots of chatter on the radio as I watched several officers raid the place. Thankfully, I didn't hear anybody get hurt. Officer Mercado stayed with me as even more cars pulled up to help.

That's when I saw a car pull up behind us. Somebody got out of it, walking on the sidewalk towards us. I looked up, then reached out as he passed, grabbing his wrist. He stopped, looking back and bending down. "Katelyn."

"Dad," I said, taking in a breath of relief.

Volume II: To See More, To Know MoreWhere stories live. Discover now