The Foreign Exchange: Part 1

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"No!" Peter exclaimed as he stumbled and fell onto the ground. Ned and I laughed a bit as he took off the dizzy goggles. "Ugh, not funny," he replied. "I never want to drink."

I walked over, helping him up. The teacher took the goggles back and we walked back to our seats. We smiled at each other as the seminar finally concluded, then walked toward the cafeteria for lunch. "Miss Strange, Mr. Parker," a voice called out to us. The three of us turned around, Ned deciding he would meet up with us later, continuing to lunch. The principal walked up to us. "My office, please."

We looked at one another, then followed him. "Are we in trouble?" Peter asked.

"No," he said, leading us into his office. "This is Pablo."

There was a boy sitting in a chair in front of the desk, who turned around. He seemed to be Hispanic. He stood, walking over and sticking out a hand. "Hello," he said.

I shook his hand first, surprised at his strong grip. The only kid I knew with a grip that strong was Peter. Then, he shook Peter's hand and he seemed to notice the same thing. "Kate, Peter, I want you guys to show Pablo around. He's our new foreign exchange student."

"Where are you from?" Peter asked.

"Madrid, Spain," he replied.

"Ah, the capitol. That must be exciting," I said.

"Sí, yes, it is," he said.

"Well, lets go," Peter said.

We walked through the school, Peter and I pointing things out to Pablo, though I found there to be something off about him.

"Kate?" Peter said, pulling my attention to him.

"Hm? What'd you say?"

"Is there anything else?"

"For what?"

Peter laughed a bit. "For the tour."

"Oh, uh, I don't think so. Do you think there's anything we missed, Pablo?"

"No, no, I don't think so."

I noticed his accent wasn't as thick as before and he used conjunctions. "How long have you been studying English, Pablo?"

"Oh, about a year," he replied, his accent getting a bit thicker.

"Interesting,"'I replied. "How come your accent keeps thinning out?"

"I'm trying to talk more in an English accent," he replied.

I nodded a bit, looking to Peter suspiciously. "Well, do you want to come over after school and we can go over the course material for your classes?"

"Sure," he said.

"Sweet. Meet us at my locker, 117, okay?"

"Okay," he repeated.

The bell rang and we each walked our separate ways. Peter walked with me to my classroom. "What was that all about?"

"Something is off about him. I want to know why."

"Is this the same way you figured me out?"

"Quite similar, yes," I replied. "He's just kind of acting weird. Especially the accent thinning and thickening at a moments notice."

"Alright, see you later," he said, running off to his own class.


Pablo walked up to my locker as I put my textbooks away. "Hola Katelyn," he said.

Volume II: To See More, To Know MoreWhere stories live. Discover now