Saved: Part 2

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Tony set me down on a nearby rooftop, one that was only a few stories high. I fell to my knees, panting and trying to regain myself as Tony's helmet flipped up to reveal his face. "What was that?!"

"Mr. Stark, I-"

"No, I don't wanna hear it."

"Then why did-"

"Katelyn, shush. You're in serious trouble. If I was your father you'd be-"

"But you're not," I managed.

"Exactly," he replied.

"So will you shut up for a second?!" I yelled.

Tony looked at me sternly. "What did you just say to me?"

"Mr. Stark!" I grunted, holding my hand to my stomach. "I need you to take me to the hospital."

His face fell and he rushed over to me, seemingly scanning me. "What were you stabbed with?" he asked, picking me up and closing his helmet, then holding me close as we went airborne.

"A space shard..."

"A what?"

"Magic," I replied. "Doctor Christine Palmer knows how to treat it, she did it for dad once."

"Okay," he said. "I'll find her."

I groaned as Tony rushed into the hospital in his suit. "FRIDAY, find Christine Palmer."

I heard a faint robotic voice from inside the suit. "Reports state she's on her lunch break, room 122."

Tony walked quickly through the hospital, ignoring the nurses and attendants who tried to talk to him. He set me down on the ground against a wall beside a pair of doors. He took off his helmet, setting it beside me and walking through the doors.

I groaned in pain, holding my hands to my abdomen to try to stop the bleeding. I applied pressure as best I could, but my strength was fading fast. That's when I felt someone pick me up again, my vision blurring and beginning to fade. "Katelyn Strange?" I heard a feminine voice ask. "I didn't know she was serious..."

"Kate, stay with me," I heard Tony's voice say as I was set down. "Your dad would probably murder me if you died like this."

I smiled with what strength I had left, trying to grab for his hand. He held it, though still in his suit. The world faded from my senses shortly after.


I groaned as I woke, a bright light shining on me. After a few minutes, my eyes adjusted to see Tony next to me, now dressed in normal clothes and pacing around. "Mr. Stark," my scratchy voice sounded out.

"Kate!" He said with relief, a huge breath escaping from his chest. "What were you thinking?"

"He took me hostage," I replied. "I don't really want to talk about it."

"Fine, we'll talk later," he stated. "I'll leave you to rest."

I remained silent as Tony exited my room, seemingly stressed out. Dr. Palmer entered my room a short moment later. "Good, you're awake," she said softly.

"Thank you, Dr. Palmer..."

"You're welcome. Now, let's talk about your father, shall we?"

Suddenly, he burst into the room, despite a nurse trying to keep him out. He ran over to me, pulling me into a gentle yet panicked hug. "Katelyn!"

"Dad," I whispered, hugging him tightly back through the pain.

"Katelyn, oh my gosh, I thought I lost you," he said, pulling away. A few stray tears were rolling down his face. "When Peter called and said you were alright, I got here as fast I could."

"How'd Peter-"

"Tony Stark called him and he's here. They're not letting him in."

"They're not supposed to let anyone in," Christine said. "She has to rest."

My father turned to Christine, wiping his face in embarrassment. Then, he walked over and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you for saving her, Christine..." he said quietly. "Thank you..."

She looked shocked, hugging him back hesitantly. I looked away, giving them their moment, then looked back as they broke away. My father walked back over to my bed, sitting on the edge of it. He held my face in his hands, then let them fall, taking one of my hands to hold instead. "Katelyn, what were you thinking?"

"Dad, I was taken hostage, okay? When we were alone, I used my sorcery. He was too powerful. Do you remember when I was out with Peter at the movies?"

"Was it the same man?"

"No, but he had the same objective."

My father sighed. "I told you, I don't know."

"Me either," I said quietly, looking down to our hands. I gently squeezed his scarred ones a bit, then looked back up at him. "I'm sorry..."

"No, no, it's alright. I just wish I could thank Tony in person."

"I'll be sure to tell him next time I see him," I said with a small smile.

My father smiled gently back at me, then hugged me once more. "Never do that again, huh? Oh, and I found this on your bad guy. Not sure why you didn't use it earlier," he said, pulling out the small device Tony had gifted me.

I smiled, clipping it to my belt. "Thanks."

"It really took him out. He wasn't expecting that. All thanks to you, he was apprehended."

I laughed. "Nah, it wasn't a problem," I said with a dismissive wave. "He did it to himself."

My father laughed as well. "That he did."

Volume II: To See More, To Know MoreWhere stories live. Discover now