Party Pooper: Part 3

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My father walked into the office and was escorted back into the principal's office, where Theo, Brad, and Jim had since been called in. He brought some of his medical gear in a bag, examining each of the boys. Theo refused to be examined, but he assured there were bruises. Brad's bruises were faint compared to mine, as were Jim's.

My father examined me, then stated the facts to the principal. "Katelyn has a black eye. Her nose isn't broken, but it is swollen and bruised. It will take a few weeks to heal. The boys only have minor bruises, which will fade in a few days. They hit her quite hard, but it's not extremely serious."

"Good. All four of you are suspended," the principal said.

"What?!" The five of us exclaimed. The three boys exchanged looks with my father and I. My father then stepped forward. "Sir, I don't think that's quite fair."

"Just because she's your daughter, Strange, doesn't mean she's any less guilty."

"Okay, you want me to be a parent, I'll be a parent," my father muttered. "My daughter was attacked by these three boys who mercilessly beat on her until she fought back. If she hadn't, she could've been hospitalized or worse! Then, it would be on you."

"I don't care, that's not what happened."

"Maybe we can negotiate something else," my father replied.

The principal thought for a moment, then sighed. "You kids sit on the bench outside. I'll be out to decide your punishments shortly."

I looked to my father, who gave me a confident nod, then walked out, sitting on the long bench. The three boys sat on the opposite side, which I was happy about. The door closed behind us and we could hear faint talking from inside the room as my father negotiated. I sat on the bench feeling my black eye gently. The swelling had gone down a bit, which allowed me to see fully again. I gently touched my nose as well, sighing a bit.

"So, your dad is a doctor, hm?" Brad said mockingly. I ignored him, knowing I wouldn't get in trouble. "Hey, answer me, tattletail!"

"She won't answer. She's trying to seem like the good guy here," Theo said pathetically.

Brad growled, sliding over to sit next to me. "None of this would've happened if you hadn't called the cops last night." I continued to stay silent, but watched him intently. He took my shirt in his hand, making me turn to look at him as he decked me in the jaw. I screamed, but didn't fight him. I just tried to pull myself away.

That's when I felt someone between us, yanking Brad off. I fell backwards, dazed, when I felt somebody catch me. I was in my father's arms as my head spun. "Ugh..." I groaned out. He helped me to my feet, then steadied me.

The principal seemingly had no choice as he glanced at my father and I. He looked to the three boys. "You're suspended. Go call your parents to come pick you up."

The boys tried to protest, but the principal stood firm. They each pulled out their phones, glaring at me as they called their guardians. The principal escorted my father and I into his office and my father checked my newest injuries. He sighed a bit, a hand on my face, but then sat in the chair beside me calmly. "She'll be fine."

"Katelyn, I'm sorry for doubting you. You're a good kid and haven't done wrong. You were only defending yourself and I see that now. I hate to think of what they would've done to you had you not fought back."

I nodded in response. My jaw hurt from the impact, but I tried to talk nevertheless. "Thank you, sir."

"You may go home with your father to recover today, you'll be excused from your classes," he replied.

My father stood and shook his hand before escorting me out. I got out my phone to text Peter as we walked.

Being sent home with my dad by the principal. Reincheck for lunch?

Lol sure

How about after school?

Sounds great, I'll be there ASAP after school

Alright, I love you

I love you too
I can't wait to hear your story btw
You always have the best adventures

Lol I know, right?

And with that, I slipped my phone in my pocket and curled up in the passenger seat of my father's car. I was tired and my head was pounding. He tried to explain my injuries to me, but I quit listening after "slight concussion." I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. His voice was so soothing...


When I woke up, I was tucked into my bed. The curtains were drawn to block out as much light as possible. My phone was charging on the beside table beside me, and I was laying comfortably on my back. A glass of water was beside my bed as well, with a sticky note on it.

Drink this, I'll be waiting downstairs.

I smiled and took a few sips of the water before sitting up. I realized how parched I was and drank the entire glass within a few seconds. I stood slowly, so I didn't upset my head, then walked carefully out of my room. My cloak set itself gently on my shoulders as I walked. I moved downstairs and into the kitchen, then saw Peter and my father sitting at the table. They smiled at me, my father standing. "Are you alright?"

I nodded a bit and he let me have his seat, seeing as there were only two chairs. I sat across from Peter, who looked at me sadly. "Your dad told me everything that happened last night," he said softly, reaching across the table to hold my hand. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"No, Peter, it's not your fault," I replied. "None of this is."

"I could've helped this morning, but I overslept and the bell rang before I could get to you. I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault," I repeated. "Please don't blame yourself for this."

"I feel like a terrible boyfriend," he said with a small, sarcastic chuckle.

I smiled a bit. "You're anything but that," I replied.

My father cleared his throat, then walked over to me. He examined my face, then walked over to the freezer. He all but threw an ice pack at me, then a towel. "Use that to help with the swelling."

I nodded a bit, holding the ice pack on the right side of my face, where most of the damage was. "How long was I sleeping?"

"Around five hours," my father replied. "It was nearly lunchtime when you drifted off in the car."

"Gosh, I'm starving," I replied.

Peter smiled. "I ordered a pizza, it should be here any second now. Meat lovers, your favorite."

I smiled brightly. "Yes!" That's when a knock rang out, my father walking out to see who it was. He came back a moment later with a box of pizza, setting it on the table in front of us. I took in the sweet smell, then grabbed a slice and bit it, savoring the taste. Peter and my father seemed to be doing the same, and even Wong was pulled in by it.

It was the best pizza we'd ever eaten.

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