The Night Hours

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A Few Years Ago . . .

When Exusiai had first met Texas, the other woman hardly spoke to her at all. Conversation would be exchanged over a mere few words or none. It had frustrated her, to have a partner who would rather keep quiet then make friends. But she still couldn't help but admire Texas. She was so skilled at everything. And when she did speak, there was so much intelligence pouring out of her. There was awhile where Exusiai had no idea whether they were even friends. They worked so well together, no one would ever have guessed.

Eventually something did happen. Texas saved her life. It had been a rough mission, they had been trapped in such a way that the only way for them to escape was if they communicated. And so they did. And so they were both alive and well today.

Like a dam had been broken, some of the walls Texas carefully crafted had fallen after that catastrophic event. But this had been none more apparent three years ago at a bar right near Penguin Logistics Headquarters. They were out, just the two of them, tossing back drinks like no one's business. Texas had been mostly quiet. Nothing out of the usual.

"Bartender. Another round." She called out to Dave. The male Lupus was all shades of gold. His skin was sun-kissed, and his surfer hair mostly hid his pointed ears. The tail behind him swayed with the rhythm of the jazz band playing out in the back corner. She would often see the look those gray-gold eyes would cast over her friend. He was a friendly enough guy, but she doubted Texas would be interested. Though she doesn't seem interested in anyone to be honest. It's pretty hard to tell with her.

"Of course Exusiai. The usual? Or perhaps you lovely ladies would like to try something else."

Texas was tense beside her, tone terse. "The usual is fine."

Dave gave Texas a smile, though the other Lupus wasn't even looking her way. Instead, her amber gaze remained on the half-full drink in her hand. Something felt strangely off about her tonight. Texas was actively aware of her surroundings like always, but her ears were drooping and so was her tail. Her eyes blinked slowly. When Dave left, she turned to her friend.

"Texas, is everything okay? You seem pretty upset."

"I'm fine Exia. Don't worry about it." Texas's answer was droll, emotionless.

"Don't lie to me Tex. I know something is bothering you."

Texas sighed. She set her drink down, the liquid sloshing inside. Dave came by, took in the state of them, set the drinks in front of them and walked away to tend to other patrons. Exusaia watched them go before turning back to her friend. Sometimes it still shocked her to know they were friends.

"You're not wrong. Do you really want to know? Once you know, there's no way to go back." The way she said it, so tired and sad, made her heart clench. Exusaia knew Texas was private about her personal life. She never talked about her hometown or parents or even friends. Maybe it's because she doesn't have them. The idea was unbearably sad. A part of her refused to consider it.

"I do want to know. I promise."

"Okay." Texas huffed. The air she exuded was heavy with alcohol. The stuff clung to her breath. She was drunk, or at least close to getting there.

"So tell me."

Texas's eyes grew distant. "A long time ago, there was . . . Lappland. She was there for so long in my life. Ever since I found her, we did everything together."She sounded faintly happy. Exusiai felt concern rising in her. Something about this story was not going to end well, if the state of her friend was anything to go by.

"So what happened? And what do you mean by found her?"

Texas waved her off with a shaky hand. "I'm getting to that." She grunted, taking a swig of her drink before slamming it back down on the counter. "As I was saying, we were close. There wasn't anything we didn't do together. I-I trusted her with everything I had. She was the biggest piece of me . . . I couldn't imagine life without her."

The Untold Story of Texas and Lappland (Arknights)Where stories live. Discover now