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Boy twisted the flower around in his hand while droplets of cold dripped off him. He was losing hope and Cosmo was getting cold.

"Alright, David," Bates said standing up. He helped Cosmo stand up, He took off his jacket and lent it to Cosmo.

"We are all going to catch something if we are out here for any longer. Seems like Cosmo already has something." Bates said.

Boy frowned and looked at the park then back at the flower. It wasn't as green as it was before and it's yellow petals were bruised. Boy sighed and let go of the flower. The flower slowly drifted to the ground and laid in a small puddle of water.

"David, you're soaked," Bates said with an angry tone in his voice.

"I know." Boy said with a frown.

"I guess we're going home, Huh?" Boy started walking back home, Leaving Cosmo and Bates behind him. Bates watched him for a minute then soon followed him. Cosmo opened his eyes and noticed a kid under the playground.

"Hey, you guys It's a little kid!" Cosmo yelled, he walked over to the shaking kid under the slide.

"Hey buddy, Are you lost?" Cosmo asked.

Bates walked over to the little boy and sat next to him.

"Are you lost, kid?" Bates asked.

The little boy sniffed and squeezed his legs close to his chest.

"I don't know how I got here." The kid said with small whimpers.

"Awe.. Bates, this kid is lost!" Cosmo frowned and looked at Boy who was slowly walking back home.

"David!? We found a kid!" Cosmo yelled after Boy. Boy turned around and noticed the kid. Boy walked over to him and kneeled down in front of him.

"Hey buddy, I'm David. Do you have a name?"

The little boy looked at Boy happily.

"Hi David, I missed your silly face!" The kid said with a sniffle.

Boy felt weirded out. He laughed it off and looked at Cosmo and Bates who also cringed.

"Uh, Hello- These are my fri-"

"Cosmo and Bates." The boy said.

Bates and Cosmo looked at the kid.

"We didn't tell him our names David we swear!" Cosmo screamed with terror. There weirded out faces soon turned into a wide eye grin and some tears from Cosmo.

"My name is Borris."

The kid spoke.

(ThE enD)

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