1-Good morning class

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A/n: Right. So. Cillian Murphy is a recent love affair of mine and I have to say he is .... gorgeous. I don't know if it's the eyes or his jawline or ... the accent but I just had to write a story about him straight away. For some reason, that may be concerning, I really like teacher x student fics and I think they're quite fun to read/write so I thought I'd give it a go. Enjoy !

M/n = mums name

       M/n = mums name

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Beep Beep Beep!
Beep Beep Beep!
Beep Bee-

"Piss off will you." You mumbled, your eye lids still stuck together.
There was a knock outside the door. "Y/n! Get up, come on. You'll be late for school !" You heard your mum shout from the other side of it. You pulled your eyes open, the light from outside blinding you temporarily. The disappointment that is Monday settling in finally and dragging you out of bed and towards the smell of breakfast.

"Do you think if I just don't show up, the world will carry on turning?" Sarcasm lacing your words as you scoffed down your food in front of your mum. She rolled her eyes at your words, now accustomed to your many years of sarcasm and sass. "Hopefully it won't have to come to that because you're a student with great attendance." She replied equally as sarcastic. You sighed, tiredly, continuing your morning routine until you were stable enough to leave through the front door.

"Don't forget your keys !" "I won't. See ya !"


"So she lives then." The familiar disappointed tone of your best friend coming up behind you. "Hey Abs." "Hey ? You don't text me all weekend and now you're settling for a simple hey ?" You smirked at her typical paternal trait shining through. "Good to see you too.Have a nice weekend ?" You asked rhetorically, smirking at her as the two of you walked to your next class. " Good to see you. And my weekend was boring as usual." She sighed. "Anyway, tea." She stated, grabbing your attention. "Spill." Your head snapping in her direction. "There's a new teacher in the English department arriving today apparently." Her voice becoming high pitched with the excitement. You sighed "Really? Do wee need another one?" Your head turning back to the front. "well unless you forget they're supposed to be replacing Mr Harris." " Oh yeah. Let's just hope he's as good as him. Mr Harris was great and he put up with my crap." Your smirk now dropping into a frown. "Yeah well. Give this one a chance, eh ?" "I haven't met him yet Abbie, how do you know he's not a complete berk." "How do you know it's a He ?" "Touché." The conversation ending there just in time for the first bell.


You had finally come to the last lesson of the day, English. Walking in to class, it was already fairly full except for a few stragglers coming in behind you. Another thing brought to your attention was that the teacher hadn't arrived yet and being slightly late you saw Abbie had saved you a seat in the middle of the room with the others already occupied. You threw your bag onto the table, unpacking your necessary equipment and collapsing into your chair with a huff. Abbie, not bothering to lift her eyes from her schedule, questioned. "What's wrong with you?" You slung your head back and close your eyes. "Tired." groaning from exhaustion. Abbie let out a small chuckle in response to your laziness. Receiving a sudden tap on your shoulder your bent your head all the way back to see an upside down Tyler. "Si ?" "Been busy this weekend ?" He smirked. " Tyler you know I'm the funny one of the group, please don't try you'll embarrass yourself." You flashed him a smile to soften the blow. He flicked your forehead causing you to sit back up, rubbing the spot.
" I'm sorry okay. I was busy." You shrugged. " If it makes you feel any better I didn't text Abs either. I know you two are obsessed with me and everything but I can't please everyone." You teased , faking a shrug and sympathetic smile. "Isn't that the truth." Abbie mumbled, rolling her eyes at your dramatics and making Tyler laugh quietly from behind you.

Before you could turn around and retort the door slammed open and the classes attention flicked over to it. You on the other hand were too focused on pulling your socks up under the desk that you could only hear them storm to the front of the class. You assumed the bang was probably their messenger bag that all the newbie teachers carried. You brought your head up from under the desk when the sound of a pen squeaked against the whiteboard. Looking at Abbie first and noticing how her face was a bit uncomfortable, you frowned, following her gaze until it froze at a pair of displeased icy blue ones. You looked at them with confusion in your own, still not looking at the body attached. After a few seconds they met yours momentarily  sending waves to a certain part of your body, until they flicked away to the rest of the class. "Good morning class." He stated, an accent detectable. " I am your new permanent English teacher." Irish. Your eyes zoomed out now focusing in on other features. Brown hair down to his ears. A prominent jaw line. Plump, Cupid shaped lips and an athletic frame concealed under a fitted navy suit and trousers. Your breath hitched slightly from the view stood at the front of the class. " I am ..." he paused, taking a few steps back to tap his pen against the board drawing the classes attention to it. Next to the pen, in a neat print, the name 'Mr Murphy'. He continued "Mr Murphy. As you know, I will be filling in for Mr Harris who is currently on a plane to sunny Australia while I remain in the oh so miserable and wet U.K. teaching you happy lot." jeez. This guy wasn't half bleak. He hadn't cracked a smile since he'd entered the room and he looked fed up with you all already. "Any questions?" He sighed. "Good." He scoffed, rolling his eyes and walking to his desk to rifle through his messenger bag as you had guessed. You looked around the class seeing they were all passive. Everyone holding their tongues for this amateur angered you slightly, the guy had come in trying to assert his 'dominance' but he was being a downright dick, all attractiveness forgotten due to his rude first impression. You suddenly had a thought, being the class clown that you were you'd decided Mr Murphy would be a fun victim for this year's project. You smirked at your idea, lifting your hand up with a sickly sweet smile. He hadn't noticed yet still looking into his bag but Abbie was now looking at you with wide eyes. "What are you doing?" She whispered aggressively. "I'm just asking our new teacher a question." You returned innocently. "Y/n." She warned. "Yes?" Her scolding being interrupted by a deep Irish voice. You looked up at him flashing another sweet smile and lowering your hand down. " Hi, I'm Y/n L/n a student at this school." You jest, pointing downwards in reference. He exhaled through his nose, crossing his arms in front of him and taking on a defensive stance. You took this as cue to continue " Yeah I was just wondering, you're from Ireland right?" He squinted his eyes at you, shifting his position. "Yes. Why ?" Suspicion in his word. "Well I was just wondering what part sir." He sighed breaking eye contact briefly. "Douglas." "Is that county cork sir ?" You excitedly asked. "Aye, it is." "No way! My grandads side of the family is from Cork sir ! We're Healen's, we like ...might be related!" While you fan-girled the rest of the class snickered at your antics recognising your behaviour. Abbie and Tyler stared at you sternly as they knew what you were trying to do. You ignored the holes being burned into you, meeting the third pair in front of you. "Miss ... l/n was it" He inquired. "Precisely." Grinning for effect. The classes laughing increasing from giggles to chuckles from the majority of the class. He smacked his lips together looking slightly amused. He noticed the laughs and continued to humour you. "As much as I'd love to talk about how my family had a hidden relation to a line of lick-asses we really need to get on with the lesson." He retorted filling the class with "Oh snap's" and boys hyping them selves up from behind. You dropped your fake smile replacing it with a fierce look which he ignored with his own brief fake smile. His eyes remaining stoic and cold. Mumbling under your breath. "Takes one to know one."  Evidently, he hadn't heard. "Right. Let's continue shall we?" He spoke, to no one in particular.
You were the first to burst through the door at the end of the lesson, Tyler and Abbie close behind grabbing an arm each and dragging you down the corridor. "He's an absolute cock!" You belted, younger children around you flinching from your outburst. "The Irish prick thinks he can call ME a lickass he's got another thing coming. You ...Wanker!" You finished, turning back to the building to flip it off before your friends could drag you away again. Once you were a safe distance from the building they both let go of your arms swinging you back to face them. You looked at their faces, regretting it immediately as you caught sight of there furious expressions. "What !" You shouted, throwing your arms up in protest. Tyler rolled his eyes at your immaturity and walked past you. You turned to watch him go then turned back to Abbie who's was being unnervingly silent. "What?" You repeated. "You know what." She replied, clearly unamused. She then walked past you to catch up with Tyler, leaving you speechless and still angry from your lesson. You huffed in annoyance and defeat, letting your arms flop to your sides and deciding to jog after the pair.

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