12-Risque (or risk - ay ?)

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Hey guys, I'm so so so sorry for not updating in a long time. How long has it been now ? Either way, I apologise again. But I hope you enjoy this chapter and my brilliant choice of a title ;D  
I love myself too much.

Also, I want to thankyou all for getting this story to 1K already !!! Thanks guys and thank you for sticking through this bull. 12 chapters of pining for smut, I know, I know. But just stick through it, stick with me and we'll get there eventually.

Not too long, to tell the truth. 😉 wink wink.

I would just like to apologise profusely beforehand because some scenes in this chapter may be extremely confusing. I've tried to come up with some methods to make it easier to read. For instance.

plain Italics or bold italics = thoughts (depending on if there's a lot of bold being used already I might just stick to normal italics)

bold italics with a dash = texts

Anywho. I'm babbling on now.
Enjoy, Perspire, and thank you lovelies.


The two of you made your way through the now empty parking lot, out in the open air. The only light, provided by lamp-posts or passing cars casting a orangey/yellow hue over you both.
"I'll see you later." You purred slightly,. "Yes, you shall." He  returned in an equally seductive yet playful manner. Wiggling his eyebrows for effect. "Don't forget my number alright, I wrote it down for you on the note." Rolling your eyes, playfully; you replied with a wide grin and tired tone. " I won't." With a similar grin and fake sternness, he continued. "Promise ?" "I promise ! Relax Ma. I've got a note haven't I ?. No need to lecture me." Rolling your eyes, you added "What about you, need me to write my number into your phone again? I know how easily you get confused with modern technology." He let out a small chuckle, shaking his head and letting his smile fade slowly. The two of you shared small but genuine smiles and looks. As Cillian continued to stare at you in admiration, he felt the urge strike him . "Come here you."

Pulling you in for another sweet yet short kiss, you stood waiting happily

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Pulling you in for another sweet yet short kiss, you stood waiting happily. When he pulled away a few short seconds later,your smiles had been increased tenfold. With his hand still cupping your jaw, he took the opportunity to look into your e/c eyes for a second. You on the other hand, were lost in his own. Just looking at them, you knew they'd be the death of you.

Snapping out of his trance, he inhaled sharply. "Right." He stated, walking to the driver side of his car. "You sure you don't need a lift, now? 'Cause I really don't mind, it's the least I cou-". Leaning on the roof of his car, you smiled sweetly. "Cillian. I'm fine. Really."  He nodded lightly to himself, looking down at his keys as if contemplating. You continued to rest your elbows on the roof, watching him fondly when you saw his head turn up to you again. He hesitated on the spot, 'til he let out a quick "One last time." As he leaned over the car to place a firm and short peck on your lips. When he pulled away, you had kept your eyes closed in bliss and contentment,as you stepped back from the car; hearing the door shut and the engine purr in to action. You opened your eyes just as he looked at you, sending you a short wave and a warm smile, giving you time to respond similarly.

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