5-From one friend to another

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One thing you'll notice about my writing is the excessive use of sarcastic or sarcastically. Also I tend to write rolled your/their eyes quite a lot. Guess it says a lot about me as a person cause I'm non-stop doing this shit. Also, before I start, I've been imagining Mary as the character from Bad teacher. Amy squirrel. I guess she's kinda modelled on her. Just for reference. Anyway, on with the show.


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Unfortunately, Cillian hadn't managed to find a way out of his little coffee date with Mary Perks. She had offered to walk with him from school to the caffe but he insisted that they meet instead, wanting to spend as little time with her as he could. It's not that he didn't like Mary, she was lovely. But the woman was too much of his polar opposite; even though he might not have been her biggest fan, she didn't exactly deserve to experience his ass hole side either. He always tried his hardest to remain civil towards her, mainly out of decency.

He'd been sat opposite her with a void expression while she rambled on about her life story. Eventually she paused, taking a breath. "So." Smiling widely. "Enough about me, tell me about you." Cillian looked down at her neatly manicured hand which was now placed on top of his. He raised is eyebrow at the sight, snapping out of it to reply. "Umm. Well there's not very many interesting things to know about me Mary. You're life seems a lot more thrilling than mine." Forcing a small smile throughout as he discreetly slid his hand out from underneath to wrap around his mug. She smacked her lips together, blushing slightly. "Oh. I wouldn't exactly say thrilling." She said bashfully, making small jazz hands along with it. "But it can be quite hectic." She was now leaning forward with her chin resting in her palm. Cillian leaned back; bringing his mug up to his lips, he mumbled sarcastically "I'm sure it can.". Thankfully she hadn't heard his words and took a sip of her own drink, her smile peaking out from her cup.

"So. How does a good looking guy like you end up single, huh ?" She said flirtatiously. Cillian opened his mouth but quickly closed it, clearing his throat. "Uhh. I guess we just wanted different things." He was uncomfortable to say the least but Mary clearly wasn't satisfied with his answer. "Oh come on. So cliche." She teased, making him tense. "You're gonna have to tell me more than that. What was her name ? How long were you two together?" Cillian hesitated before answering. "Uh, her name was Rose. We were together 3 years." She looked a bit upset by this answer, "Oh my gosh, what happened then ?" Her face displaying concern as she leant forward to obtain some privacy. "I caught her fucking our officiant." He answered casually, taking a gulp of his tea. She leant back quickly, as if his words had bitten her. "You we're engaged?" "Yep." "Oh well. That is a shame." "Real shame." He added flatly.

"Well this was really lovely!" Mary stood opposite him as he got his coat on, outside the caffe. "Yeah,it was." Awkward silence ensued. "I'll guess I'll see you in school tomorrow?" Cillian stuffed his hands in his pockets,toying with his keys, itching to grab them and go. "Yep. I'll be there." He tried joking. She chuckled and then hesitantly leant forward, she made a sort of pecking motion with her head until she eventually pecked him on the cheek. He flinched slightly, feeling very uncomfortable now. "Okay. Bye then." He rushed out, walking backwards slowly hoping she'd do the same. "Oh, Okay. Bye !" She waved enthusiastically until she turned and sauntered off in the opposite direction. Letting out a deep breath, he walked to his car.
"I'm telling you Tom. The girl constantly smiles." Cillian had gone home straight after, only to receive a text and invitation from Tom for a drink at his place. Accepting immediately, he was now venting as he accepted the beer Tom handed him. "She doesn't ...stop. How can someone be constantly happy?" Tom chuckled as he collapsed into the space next to him. Cillian, infuriatedly , took a swig of his beer. "I swear at one point I felt i could've said 'oh by the way, just to let you know. I'm probably gonna murder you after this and throw your body in the bin outside.' She probably would have smiled and offered to help !"

Tom was staring in to space as his friend bristled beside him. "Oh come on Cill. Mary's just a nice girl that's all. You didn't have to say yes, remember that." Cillian leant back, sinking into the cushion behind him. "I know. I just.. I thought it would be a good idea to.. widen my options. get back in the game." Gesturing with his arms then allowing them to flop back to his side. He heard Tom sigh tiredly from beside him and he did the same. "I don't know, Tom. It's just been so long since I've taken interest in a woman. I'm frustrated. Maybe that's why I'm just so... miserable. ALL THE TIME." Dragging his words out for effect. Cillian let his eyes close as he took another sip. "Coulda' fooled me." Tom rushed out, taking a drink with wide eyes. Cillian's eyes opened as his head turned to Tom with a confused look. "What d'ya mean ?" His face scrunched. Tom looked up at him innocently but when he saw his face he sighed and relaxed. "No I just mean, It seems like something else has been irritating you lately. I don't think it's blue balls, mate." "Well What is Then ?" Annoyance coming out of his words. Tom looked up at him, as if he'd started speaking another language. "Y/n!" Tom received an increasingly confused face making him disappointed in his friends intelligence. "Oh come on! She's clearly what's been bugging you lately. Wether it's because she's getting on your last nerve or she's getting on something else mate." Tom scoffed as if the answer was blatant and took another sip, looking ahead of him.  "It's not like that." Cillian replied timidly, unable to face his friend. "You don't need to lie Cillian. In fact,  you can't. So don't try." "Oh yeah? What about you? You're trying to tell me you two don't have anything going on!" Cillian flicked his hand at his friend, becoming quite angry at the chosen topic. "No ! I love her, but in a big brother way. I've been teaching her for five years, you've been teaching her for 3 months. There's   a difference there." Tom was now more interested and turned to sit up and  turn his body towards Cillian. Cillian also sat up now to mirror Tom. "There's no difference there Tom ! You two are awfully close, You can't blame me for thinking it ! Everyone's thinking it, I'm just putting it out there." "That's bullshit! No one thinks it you're just a suspicious little bastard !" The pair of them becoming quite hysterical. "I am not a suspicious little bastard." Cillian brought his hand up to his chest in offence. "Yes you are ! You get crabby when ever you see the girl talking to someone that isn't you !" Bringing a finger to point up at Toms face, he replied "That is not true." "It is Cill. I've seen the faces you make. Giving half the school death stares. You like the girl and you don't even realise." Cillian was now speechless, unable to come up with a response. Tom revelled in the silence, smiling proudly and leaning back into the sofa. In a calmer voice, he added. "Look. Mate. I don't blame you. She can get under your skin and she's not half bad looking too." Letting out a little laugh at his own words. "But, don't put yourself in a position that could get you into serious trouble. I mean that. From one friend to another." He let his hand grip onto Cillian's shoulder, making him let out a huff through his nose. "That doesn't mean you can't have a bit of fun though." Cillian raised an eyebrow at his friend, turning to him with an unamused expression. "I mean, as long as they're both up for it." He added, seriously. Cillian just stared at Tom, open mouthed. "You're a bad person."

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