15- permission slips and english trips

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After your quick and lucky escape, you were left thinking only of Cillian for the remainder of your night. That evening you had tried to do the homework he had set but your concentration was all over the place. It was even harder when you received a string of messages, the buzzing to hard to ignore for your already distracted mind. Giving up,
You picked up your phone to see a few messages from the man himself.
That was a close one, ey?

Tom didn't even realise you'd gone since he spent the next 30 minutes trying to remove that extremely obvious stain

Honestly, I sometimes think that man is a baby in an overly large mans body :))

What are you up to tonight ?
Reading the messages, you couldn't help but shake your head, letting out a small exhale of a laugh. You decided to reply.
It was a close one but luckily my quick thinking MI6 training prepared me for man-sized babies. So you'll have me to thank for that. ;))

And I am currently doing the homework YOU so kindly set, thank you again for that sir.

You're so very welcome, you've left a bit late haven't you? The night before, tut tut miss l/n. If I remember correctly, that piece of homework was set last Friday.

Yeah well I've been busy, okay? It doesn't help that you're messaging me, DISTRACTING me, which one might call highly unprofessional .

Well I think the fact that we're texting at the moment means that unprofessional is out of the question. And if I'm distracting you I deeply apologise miss l/n but it does raise the question, why have you decided to do it the night before?

Right again, sir. Maybe I should focus rather than wasting my time sir.

It would be wise.
Putting the phone down with a smirk, you managed to get a thought process going to help you finish your work. For the next five minutes you managed to get stuck into it when your phone buzzed a final time.

Call me sir again and we'll find a better use of both of our time, goodnight miss l/n.

The next day was rather a quick one, you and Abbie had sped through the day one man short on account of Tyler being "ill", however you both knew that by ill he meant ill use of time management since he had NOT done the homework after such a long time available to do it. He was ill enough to miss school but not ill enough, however, to drop his permission slip at your house for you to take in for him. To be safe, you gave him a right bollocking before shooing him away from your house and back to his own.
So with just the two of you, you walked to your last lesson of the day, English.

Walking in to the classroom, you set your bags down on the table, unpacking and simultaneously collapsing into your chairs with loud huffs. "Is it the end of the day yet ?" Abbies tired voice came out. Looking at your phone, you saw there was still an hour left. "Ab, we just sat down. Sirs not even late we're just early." She groaned, sliding down her chair more. You looked at her incredulously, "didn't you notice were the only ones here ?" She looked around you, confused when her face took on a look of surprise. "Oh, so we are" You shook your head at her with painful disappointment. "You're on one today, you are." Before she could reply, Mr Murphy walked in the door with his leather messenger back hanging from his left shoulder and a black flask in his right hand. He initially didn't notice the pair of you until he set his things down on his desk and looked up. With raised eyebrows, he spoke "Oh, good afternoon ladies. We're a bit early aren't we ?" Trying to hide your smile, you replied "We didn't want to miss a minute of our favourite lesson with one of our favourite teachers." With one raise eyebrow, he said "One of your favourite teachers" "Yeah, you're in Abbies top 5"
Abbie let out a little snort from next to you as you bit your lip to hide your own. Cillian looked up at you amused, with mock offence. But that moment of banter came to an end as the bell went and the class filed in.

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