9-I'll see you after class

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(God. Just imagine him making that face at you! I'd melt 🚿🚿)

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The same images appeared in Cillian's head like a sequence, he had got lost in it

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The same images appeared in Cillian's head like a sequence, he had got lost in it. Images of you and him flashed through his mind, he had become more desperate to have you. Hitting the 5 month mark, it was getting harder and harder to restrain. Mary had been wasted as a release, so had his hand. Nothing helped him. He should know from the countless tries.

"Cillian. Mate." He was ripped from his dreams, images of your face was replaced by Toms confused and concerned one. "You keep doing this, are you alright?" Meekly responding. "Yeah Tom, I'm fine." He wasn't.
For the past hour, you had been staring at the man teaching. It was inevitable, you place a man looking like that in front of a group of horny teenagers someone's going to lose focus down the line. Thankfully, he hadn't caught you and you were free to flee when the bell sounded.
"Uh ! Miss l/n, where do you think you're going ?." You turned around confused, standing in the doorway. "I'll see you after class." He stated smugly. "Aww What! 'Same time tomorrow?' I thought you were just kidding." "Absolutely not, Miss l/n. You took minutes off my teaching, I intend to take the same amount from your time." Staring at him open-mouthed, he looked up at you completely serious. "For good measure." He smirked. But it was the cheeky smirk you loved. Rolling your eyes, you slouched. Flopping your arms, dramatically. "Ahhhhhhhh. You're the worst." Ignoring your childishness, he walked around his classroom ,cleaning. "Be back here at the end of the day, I've got a task for you to do."
During lunch, the three of you were sat in your usual spot, nattering on. "How are you feeling ?" Abbie's voice was sympathetic and Tyler's face was the same. You let out a soft sigh, smiling slightly at her. "I'm fine. Seriously. It was just... I didn't get a lot of sleep the night before so I was just.. already in a bad mood." You rubbed your palms up and down your thighs, noticing how sweaty they had become. Abbie looked at you, somewhat unsure. You caught the same look from both of them. "Seriously, guys. I'm fine." They had decidedly let it go since Abbie had moved on and was now planning to hang out, however, you had zoned out, thinking about your previous protests and how you had failed to convince yourself with your own words. You were fine but you weren't doing good. If that even made sense, it was safe to say you had no clue what was going on with you. "So, meet after school?... y/n?" Tyler waved a hand in front of your face causing you to blink a few times before putting a smile back on. "Hmm? Oh yeah right. No. I can't come,sorry." You winced, remembering your detention. "How come?" "I have another detention. Mr Murphy thought the one wouldn't be enough for me to.. repent from my sins." Slipping a joke in, you tried to lie. "Well that's fair enough, he did sound pretty pissed when he spoke to Harry." "Is that what it was ? I thought he was gonna rip his face off! The guy was livid!" Tyler tried to disagree but he was right. Abbie nodded as you laughed quietly from beside her. "Yeah. That's probably a better way to describe it." Abbie smirked while looking down, trying to hold something in. However, she failed when she suddenly blurted "He does look hot when he's angry."
After last lesson, you made your way straight to Mr Murphy's class. Knocking rhythmically, you heard his deep voice call from the other side. "Yeah! Come in !" Peeping your head round the door, you watched as he stretched up to close a window. With his back to you and his arm reaching upwards, his shirt had raised; giving you a view of his hips. Stepping into the classroom more, he turned and nodded in awareness. "Ah. You're here, good." "Yep. I'm here, umm what was it you needed me to do?" Nervously, you played with your bag strap as you lingered in the doorway. Cillian noticed this as he walked over to his desk to grab a stack of papers. He paused to look up at you, waving you over with his hand. "Well come in then, you can't do the job from the door." Chuckling lightly, you walked over to his desk. "Grab a chair." You picked the nearest chair up, lifting it over to the opposite side of his desk. Flinging your bag off your shoulder and on to the floor, you collapsed into the chair with a huff. "What's the job, boss ?" "I need you to help me grade these papers." "Really ? I thought this was detention." "Oh it is, consider this your punishment." You scoffed . "Trust me. Being here is punishment enough." He shook his head with a smile, passing you a few papers while sorting through his own.

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