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You were extremely frustrated today. Your dream had given you a lot to think about throughout the day and your focus had been completely out the window. Your thoughts were interrupted though, when a snarky voice appeared. "Hey, y/n. Ten out of ten, would bang." Harry Stevens, a massive dick, was now stood in front of your desk, quoting you, as the class filed in to English. Mr Murphy was not in sight, probably why Harry was in front of you and not in his seat a few rows back.

You rolled your eyes as his gang of morons giggled behind him. "In your dreams,Harry." You flashed him a bitter smile, wiping it away after a second to give him a cold, hard look. "Ooo. In my dreams we do a lot more than you can imagine, baby. I'm sure I could change your mind if I told you." He brought his fingers to his lips in a peace sign, making a revolting sight as he stuck his tongue out. Throwing your bag under your desk. You gave him a bored look. "Harry. You couldn't persuade a pencil to write. Unfortunately, someone or something persuaded your mum to keep you and here we are. But that's jut how the world works. Shame isn't it?" You asked, rhetorically. Smirking as he made a furious face and just stood there. "Oh yeah, l/n?" "Yeah!" "That's not what a little birdy told me. Apparently, you were so easy to bed, they didn't even have to ask. If anything you had to persuade them. You're quite the whore from the sounds of it." Instantly realising who the little birdy was, you slammed your palms on the table. Standing up to be a few inches from his face. "Correction, Mr Stevens." Your voice was low, almost a growl. And the way you spat his name made him flinch slightly. "A whore sells their body. I'm not for sale. I'm surprised at you, you should know the difference. Didn't mummy catch daddy in the act. I heard he had her in the back of your family car. Spent your savings on her, didn't he? He sees quite a few of them,I hear he likes them young." During your rant everyone watched the encounter with wide eyes. The class was silent, all attention on you and Harry. Everyone watched in shock as you were in his face, like a wild dog on a chain. Abbie and Tyler acting as the chain, holding you back and standing next to you in case the chain would snap and you'd be released. "You know, maybe Thomas was right. You are crazy, I don't blame him for running. Or maybe he left because he got what he needed in the end, after all you were so happy to give it to him. Wasn't his best but it helped pass the time" You snarled at him. Cillian had just returned from the toilet to walk in on a silent class with you and Mr Stevens mere inches from each other. Abbie looked at you with a shocked expression. "How do you know? Elliot's gone. He wouldn't have talked to you!" He ignored Abbie as he continued to smirk at you with dark eyes. "You're all aggressive and scary at first but all you need is a good dicking down and then you'll submit like a good pet. Maybe all Mr Murphy need to do to get you to shut up is shove his dick down your throat. Put your practice to good use, bitch." You grabbed him by the shirt, about to tear his head off when a voice boomed through the class. "Alright! That's enough!" Abbie pulled you back while Harry clambered to escape, stumbling back when his friends dragged him out of your grip. You were fuming, Abbie thought she could almost see smoke coming out of your ears and it scared her. You hadn't lashed out physically like this since the incident last year.

"What in gods name is going on in here?!" Cillian pulled on Harrys shirt, noting the scared look in his eyes. Not getting any answers, he stormed up to you. "Are you going to explain, or am I gonna have to break it out of you in detention."He looked furious and it would have been threatening if the adrenaline want coursing through you at the moment. "The only thing you'll be breaking is her back." The sound of Harry's mumble filled the silence, Mr Murphy turned around still furious at his previous words. "Wait, what did you say?"

 "Wait, what did you say?"

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