Chapter 23 - "Happy Birthday Wolfie!"

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Once again long time guys, sorrry!!! Enjoy! Love you guys loadsssssss!!!!!!





Chapter 23 - "Happy Birthday Wolfie!"

It had been a week, one week, one amazing week and before I knew it, it was the 30th of November and I hadn't managed to get Izayan anything yet. I hadn't magically got a job and wasn't earning enough to get Izayan an amazing birthday present, but I was able to have the most awkwardest conversation with my parents and get some money. The conversation happened on Monday, I had been walking to school and realised that for the past few months I hadn't actually gone home for the weekend, granted I didn't realise up until this point but still the point was I hadn't gone home and they hadn't even asked or informed me, that maybe I wasn't needed at home anymore, which I knew was coming.

The conversation went with my mum bringing up a few things I didn't really want to talk about and my dad just straight up asking me what I wanted. So I decided to ask straight up if he realised I hadn't been home in the past few months to which he answered 'your safe with that Aden boy I don't need to worry.' Aden came down two weeks ago for my birthday weekend that was it. Wow. Then he carried on to say 'plus I don't really need you home' which hurt a lot since he had never said these words directly to me. So at this point I worked up the courage and asked him if I could have some money since masi hadn't left me any. To which he said 'oh yes she's gone away for a month hasn't she..." Which wasn't answering my question. So I asked again 'so can I?' he responded 'well since I'm not going to see you for a while I will send you an account card that became officially yours the moment you turned 16' he then went quiet and said 'it has all the money we saved for you and him so don't spend it all in one go' told me the pin for it and then just before he hung up the phone added 'happy birthday'. Well at least I knew they cared enough about me, to save money for me well at least before everything happened.

So now it was the 30th and I had convinced Izayan to go spend the day with Luke and the boys because they probably missed him. He reluctantly agreed because we were having such a good week he wanted to have some more. We had been on two more dates and the rest of the week spent watching movies and cuddling on the sofa. We had gone bowling, Izayan had found this really cheap place where bowling between us was 12 for 3 games which I didn't feel bad for because he refused to let me pay again. And then for our other date we went to a deer park.

Now that was an hilarious date, even though it was wet and a little raining we pulled on wellies and jackets and we picked up some fruit to feed them. Izayan being the idiot he is, threw a whole Apple in, and the deer started to choke so he decided to throw oreos at it and run off with me in tow. The fool! But we couldn't stop laughing and spent the rest of the date sitting on a tree talking.

The only thing that worried me a little was that he hadn't hinted to the whole 'be my girlfriend' situation, so it would suck if this was all it was going to be, or if he didn't want me to be his girl because boy did I want to be. We had shared a few kisses but nothing as intense as the car kiss and nothing naughty like lip biting. Because we both know that would get me in a lot of trouble especially since he loved it so much.

Anyway back to the present and I was in the shopping centre ringing Aden repeatedly when I needed him the boy wouldn't pick up! But after the 6 calls he picked up.

"Where's the fire?" he said ever so casually.

"I will set you on fire mate if you don't help me" I growled

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