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Janelle POV...

As I fix my breakfast I see my family come down all looking, drained. Should I try to open up? Only one way to find out.

Me:Hey mom.

She looks up at me, and I smile a little before frowning a little.

Me:Are you alright? You look down.

She nods and I nod.

Mom:A doctor I was working with tricked me into killing half of the children... She made the numbers look good and I listened... It killed innocent people.

Me:Did anyone survive?

Mom:A few... It boosted there cells.

Me:*shrugs* maybe that was one step in the right direction? Saving them all probably would have been harder than the few that did survive.

She looks at me like I just crushed a butterfly, I frown Jennifer looking the same way. What did I say?

Me:Did I say something wrong?

Mom:You agree with what she did?

Me:I don't agree with her tricking you if that's what you mean, but if it saved the ones that were going to die that could be saved then I can somewhat see her reason, but if she did it to be sick then no I don't agree with what she did. I have a friend who's like those kids I'd want the best possible outcome for him.

Mom:*scoffs* unbelievable... I gotta go.

Me:Mom, wait I didn't -

Mom:Good bye Janelle.

Why did I open my mouth? I put my face in my hands then sit back. Jennifer looks at me and scoffs.

Jennifer:Wow, you really are a jerk.


Jennifer:What? That was really sick thing to say, even for you.

Me:I didn't even mean it like that! You know what? Fine I just won't give a damn about any of you then how about that!

I get up and go back upstairs I slam the door and sit on my bed trying to take a deep breath. I didn't mean to sound like a bitch or anything mean! I was just trying to find a way to make it seem more positive!

"You know, when you speak you seem to pull the bad out of everyone." I look up and see her in front of me.

"Why are you in my room!?" She sighs and folds her hands with a sick smile.

"You refused to come to me Ms. Pierce, so I came to you." I close my eyes and sigh.

"What am I doing wrong? I'm trying! But no one notices. They only see me as evil and I'm not even evil!" She gives a pathetic smile, the one you give to pathetic people.

"Well, some people just don't match those around them... It's rare for you to not match with any of your family." I cover my face and scream.

"Why are you here? Is this a new thing? You popping up when I'm going through something?" She shrugs.

"You're spiraling again."

"No I'm not"

"That energy flare you had? Shows."

"That was because Jennifer was going crazy."

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