chapter sixteen

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Kelsey's dream

Lights flash around me as I make my way down the runway. I pass Taylor Swift who gives me a nasty glare but keeps singing. I get to the end of the runway and pause before posing. I scan the crowd and spot my family. They wave and smile as I stand there posing. I look over and see Liam sitting with Sophia, next to them is Louis and Eleanor, then Zayn and Perrie. Niall sits on the end smiling and waving but the seat next to him is empty.

Wheres Harry?

Taylor stops singing and I whirl around. Harry is standing with his arms wrapped around Taylor kissing her. I take a step back and fall backwards into darkness.

Kelsey's POV

"Kelsey, sweetie are you okay?" Harry whispers shaking me.

I sit up slowly because my head is pounding and look around. I have no flipping clue where im at except the fact that im on the floor.

"what am I doing on the floor?" I ask as I lean against the bed.

Harry sits down across from me with his legs crossed.

"You fell of the bed... I think you were having a nightmare, you kept calling my name." he whispers back and my dream floods back to me.

"Sorry." I say looking away.

Whenever I drink I have the weirdest dreams.

"It's okay Love..." he says and I lay my head back as I pull my knees up to my chest.

"Can I ask you something?" I whisper.

"Anything." he says scooting closer to me so our toes are touching.

"Do you still like Taylor? You dont have to answer I just-"

"Kelsey." he says.

"Im sorry I just wanted to ask." I say standing up.

I really should get going.

"Thats not it." he says and he stands up too. "I like you Kelsey, I thought you knew that."

Oh jesus here it comes.

"No I didnt. Every single guy that i have dated just dates me for my looks and the money."

I just poured my heart out.

"Kelsey." he says wrapping his arms around me. "I would never do that to you. I like you for you."

I stay silent as the images of him and Taylor flood back into my head.

"Come on lets lay back down." he says letting go of me.

I glance at the digital clock and grimace.

5 am.

I climb back in bed and pull the covers over me.

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