Chapter nine

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After the show Kelsey and I get into a separate car and drive to the dock.

When we get out she slides her sunglasses on and I do the same. I take her hand and we walk toward the board walk. Little shops, games, and rides are all over the place.

"What do you want to do first?" I ask looking around.

"Eat." she says and I chuckle.

"What do you want to get?" I ask as we walk.

"Doesn't matter to me. I just need food." she says and I look around.

She's not afraid to be herself, I like that about a girl.

I spot a stand and point at it. She follows my gaze and spots it.

"Oh my god they have the best pretzels! Come on!" She says pulling me along.

Surprisingly she walks pretty fast for a girl in heels.

Well she is a model. She has to be able to walk down a runway in heels without falling.

We walk up and look through the glass at the different pretzels, and dips.

"A regular Soft pretzel with some icing dip please." she says to the lady and she looks up at me.

"I think I'll get the same." I say and she smiles.

We step to the side to let someone else order and she looks over at the beach.

"Wanna go down there?" She asks not looking at me.

"If you want to than Why not?" I say giving a smile.

They give us our orders and we sit down at a picnic table.

She opens her dip and rips off a piece of her pretzel before dipping it into her dip.

"My instructor is gonna kill me for this." she mutters.

"Who's gonna tell him?" I say with a wink and she chuckles.

"So earlier you told me that you box?"

"Yeah I box on Mondays, run on Tuesdays, yoga on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays I work." she says.

"Wow don't you get tired or stressed?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm just good at hiding it." She says simply and icing lands on the corner of her mouth.

"You have a little." I point to my bottom lip and she stares at me clearly confused.

I grab a napkin and lean forward. I wipe the corner of her mouth and she blushes.

"Uh, thank you." she says biting her lip.

"No problem." I say sitting back.

"Anyways... if your still here tomorrow you could come train with me.... if you want too. i mean you don't have to go if you don't want to but that depends if your even still here." she rambles and place my hand over her mouth.

"Yes I'll be here tomorrow and yes I'll come and train with you." I say as I pull my hand away from her soft lips.

"Really?" Her eyes are lit up with happiness.

"Of course. I would love to join."

"Great! We start at seven." she says crumbling her wrapper.

Whoa what?

"That's too early." I whine and she laughs.

"You already committed. You can't back out now." she says pointing a finger at me.

She turns and shoots the wrapper like a basket ball into the trash can perfectly before turning back around towards me.

"Do you play any other sports except boxing?" I ask and she smiles.

"Lots more."

"Like what?" I ask.

"I do soccer... I mean football charity games like Louis does and I play tennis occasionally oh and Volleyball. Oh and I ran track in middle school and high school." she says and I raise my eyes brows.

"Your quite the athlete." I say glancing over at a man who stands with a camera behind a palm tree.

I look back at her as she answers.

"Yeah I have to stay fit to be a model." she says and she looks over at the beach her hair gently blowing.

"Wanna go down there still?" I ask as I crumble up my wrapper.

"Yeah if you still do." she says and I nod.

I throw my trash away and take her hand, pulling her down the stairs to the beach.

We stop when we get to the bottom of the stairs and she takes off her heels before running towards the water, her hair blowing slightly.

I run after her and she looks back at me letting out a small squeal.

I chase her down to the water before wrapping my arms her waist and lifting her up.

"Harry!" She laughs kicking her legs.

I set her down and she straightens out her skirt.

Oops I forgot she was wearing a skirt. oh well.

We walk down the beach and she looking down at her toes.

God she's beautiful.

She looks up at me and then back down at her feet. she gasps and points.

"Look! Hold my shoes!" She says handing me her high heels.

I take them and watch her as she waded through the water looking down at her feet.

"What are you looking for?" I ask but she ignores me and continues looking.

"Found it!" She exclaims and she bends down putting her hands in the water before coming back up with a circular disk in her hand.

She walks up to me and stands in front of me looking down at the object with administration on her face.

"Look! isn't it beautiful?" She asks showing me the pearly white sand dollar.

I look up at her and smile.

"Yeah. yeah it is." I say and she looks up at me.

All of a sudden I feel myself leaning in like the first time I kissed her. I kiss her and after a moment she kisses me back unlike the first time we kissed when she pulled away and was totally shocked but I don't blame her.

We pull away with smiles on our faces. She glances down at the sand dollar in her hand before holding it out to me.

"You can have it."

"No I want you to keep it." I say and she shakes her head.

"I want you to have it. So we can remember this moment forever." She says looking in my eyes.

She takes my hand and presses it in the palm of my hand before wrapping my fingers over it. She takes a step back while looking down and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

She searches the sea floor while I pull my phone out of my pocket. I snap a quick picture of her and post it on Instagram before sliding my phone back in my pocket.

She bends down suddenly like a cat pouncing on a mouse and comes up with another sand dollar, this one is gray.

She gasps and holds it out for me to see.

"This one is pretty too! You bring me good luck Styles. Usually when I go to the beach all I can find are little baby shells." She says examining it.

"Than we should go more often." I say and she nods in agreement.

So she wants to go on another date?

"Come on let's find some more seashells." She says walking to my side.

As we walk down the beach I slip my hand in hers and in the corner of my eyes I can see her smiling to herself.

I turn away and smile too.

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