Another Message

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Hey how are you doing? Most of you probably hate me now but that's just my life. I gotta say I'm not doing fine, yeah yeah everything is still bad but did you watch Watch Us Live And Stuff were it is Anthony and is girlfriend or fiance or wife how ever far they have come (it's been 4 years) well they broke up, don't get me wrong I completely support them but let's think on the bad side, all of the Smosh Games members seem to be slowly losing thing and I'm not talking about the viewers but personal things like Joven broke up with... I forgot her name, Ian and Melanie broke up now it's Kalel and Anthony what's next Peter and Mari Lasercorn and his fiance hell I wonder what Sohinki might lose!... This kinda went far I apologize it's just well it's kinda hard in a way to see such great people who are nice just lose a lot of stuff, and hey if you hate me tell me.( chances are a lot of people hate me.)

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