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"hey Amiyah!" Ryan's annoying voice shouted from the other side of the hallway. I rolled my eyes, everyone always confuses me and my twin sister Amiyah up, I'm Aaliyah.

We're identical twins yet she's the pretty one; same face, same height, same hair... different personalities. Whereas she's popular and hangs with 'the five' I mostly just keep to myself with only one friend.

I gave Ryan a pointed look, "it's Aaliyah" I said through gritted teeth "oops, sorry kid...has anyone ever told you, you look just like her" I paused for a moment not sure if he was serious. "Yea, Because I'm definitely not Amiyah's identical twin sister" I said sarcastically speeding up, "woah, woah don't get your panties in a bunch, I was joking"

"Get away from me Ryan"

"Get away from me Ryan"

He mimicked me, raising his voice making it sound squeaky. I stopped dead in my tracks turning slowly so I was directly in line with his annoying perfect face, I mean that literally...not a single blimish, no bags nothing just perfection.

"I don't sound like that" I ground out turning to walk again when he grabbed my arm, "wait, I actually needed to ask you something" he said more seriously now, I rolled my eyes and stopped. "What" I demanded looking at the clock on the wall, lunch started 10 minutes ago and I'm starving.

"Are you going to the semester dance?" He asked, here at Yorken Academy, otherwise known as Y.A; school for the gifted and talented, which is what we tell the humans, our school specializes in magic or what we now call it energy, basically to sum it up were descendants from warlocks and witches and were called benders for whatever strange reason. Anyways we have a dance every semester before break, we only have winter break and summer break, winter being 2 weeks, summer 2 months and those are the only days we have off of school except for the weekends of course. There's a dance at the end of the year and one at the end of the first semester, right now we are one week away before winter break meaning finals and the dance fun.

Note the sarcasm.

"No, why?" I asked trying to move this conversation along, he looked flustered for a moment and his cheeks flushed "oh- just curious" I bit down on my lower lip furrowing my eyebrows together, he was definitely keeping something from me. "Okay" I drew out taking a step back, "look, I'm hungry and Katie's waiting for me so..." I trailed off slowly walking backwards, an unreadable expression played on his perfect face before it flashed back to his usual amused one. "Okay, but just a heads up, if you want to fit in your Christmas sweater go easy on the carbs" he smirked and walked away.

I clenched and unclenched my jaw, Ryan Seriously got on my nerves. Pushing him to the back of my head I made my way to the cafeteria and joined Katie in the front "sorry" I said sliding into my seat, she only smiled softly "that's okay, I bought you cheese sticks" she said motioning to the styrofoam box infront of me, I smiled widely and opened it smelling the cheesey deliciousness. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are" I told her pulling them apart, she laughed "quite a few actually..." She trailed off as 'the five' walked into the cafeteria taking a seat in the back at their table.

Everyone in the school called them the five, because there are five of them obviously.

But they are the most popular group in the school also strangely enough the strongest benders, not that I really care considering my sister is in it for whatever reason. It was kind of odd, me, Katie and Amiyah were as thick as theves our first year, then during second semester she started hanging out with them leaving us in the dust. They mostly keep to themselves, they kinda have a whole 'no outsiders' type thing going on but for some reason everyone always talked about them and is drawn to them like magnet's wanting to be apart of there group. Me and Katie don't really care for it much but Katie has the biggest crush on one of the guys in there group. Which consists of Amiyah, Rayne, Drake, Ryan and Greg.

The Five: ElementalsWhere stories live. Discover now